Session 2: "I was at your wedding" Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 2: "I was at your wedding"

General Summary

The Krewe woke up without too much of a hangover (Meriele wasn't drinking, Eris was pickpocketing) and began searching the caravan for a quartermaster to try and acquire some horses and supplies for their journey to the east.   They stumbled across Varia and her bodyguard Cain, and asked her some questions about the route, as the caravan had just come from that way. Whilst some genuinely useful information was being passed on, Eris decided to aggressively flirt with both the princess and her bodyguard when the princess questioned where she was from. Eris lied terribly and Varia had Cain restrain her while she attempted a zone of truth spell which Eris resisted.   Varia believed Eris was part of the group that sought to sow chaos at that wedding 6 years ago, which set in course a chain of events that led to the death of the old king, her father Tobias. After discussions, Eris agreed to speak with Varia away from the rest of the group and let the truth spell take hold of her. When they returned Varia had agreed to release Eris as apparently, she was not a cause of what happened 6 years ago, giving her a minor healing potion as means of apology   The group set off north, eventually entering the Verhölle Hinterlands. They camped for a night along the road and then the next day stumbled upon a broken wagon, a dead horse, and a crying forest gnome named Vickit. He explained he had been attacked by kobolds and asked the group to help him retrieve his things from them, offering some form of payment either in gold or his tinkering skills. The group went down into the nearby cave in pitch darkness and chose correctly at two branching pathways before finding the main kobold group.   Ball bearings, bright lights, and a lot of patience eventually saw to the end of the kobolds, though Vickit was wounded and retreated down one of the branching paths before combat ended.   Will the group find Vickit's goods? Will Vickit still be okay or is he dead around the corner? Will the IRL group snack on as many bread products next week? Tune in next time on Blues' Clues!

Rewards Granted

1 x minor healing potion

Character(s) interacted with

Varia Reyne, Heskan Cain, Vickit Van von Volkvan

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