Session XIII : Teleportation Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session XIII : Teleportation Report

General Summary

The party finds themselves in a bit of a pickle when Cramus Wrenth is teleported out of the burial room and he finds himself on a lower level of the temple, where he's previously been before. He sneaks around the temple and hears cheers and excitement coming from the Dervish who protect the temple. Stepping outside he sees that the curse has been broken and that water is flowing freely the begging stages of a river are starting to make their way. Kasile Fanghold meets up with Cramus and invites him to celebrate while Cramus wonders how long his friends will take to arrive.   The rest of the party opens the sarcophagus and finds a mummy (dead) and a treasure trove of items, which they worry briefly might be cursed. It is at that moment that Munafisk arrives frustrated that the players had circumvented him. He brought three of the Chabang men. Combat kicks off and the party quickly realizes that slashing the chabang men makes them duplicate. However, Fye taunts Munafik and he realizes his heart is not protected he turns to run and Fye urges her golem to make the heart "jam." He does and the death of Munafik is quick.   Thallen switches to his Thallen's Letter Opener and dispatches of the creatures as Jamis Frostshadow is knocked unconscious by the creatures. Merosh grabs the items from the sarcophagus and stuffs them into his backpack. Once they are all dispatched the party begins to work on an exit plan.   They move to the boat but determine that it will not go "down" and Thallen puts on a cloak, jumps, and finds himself dimension doored to where Cramus is standing.   The rest of the party use one of the other stars to shakily navigate the boat down to where the revelery is after Fye names the boat "Mort's Ports"   When they arrive a party ensues and they all celebrate. Dreana Garnet spends time with Kasile Fanghold and even Thallen, who never drank, partook. Over the next couple of days, Merosh taught children how to swim.   When they had identified their items and reached a pleasant end, they took off, sans Dr. Dre toward the White Oasis. While they were on the way they noticed 6 specks on the horizon making their way toward the magical boat.

Rewards Granted

Spell of Create Homuculous Ring of Free Action Ruby Wand of Fireballs Cape of Montebach Uluru's Medalion of Luck Mort's Ports Amun-Re's Jade Sword

Ice Food Truckers

Cramus Wrenth

Player Journals
5. Summit and Sailing: Tales of a Pyramid Ascent and the Star of Mo-Pelar by Merosh
Report Date
23 Sep 2020

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