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Session 40: Splashdown on Al'Rhudi Report

General Summary


As the Iridium Dawn descends through the vastness of the Al'Rhud System, you can each see the Halba Defensive Platform looming ahead out of your viewports suspended in orbit above the oceanic planet Al'Rhudi like a metallic guardian. As you've approached close enough for visual confirmation, you can tell see it is truly a formidable structure of cold metal, jutting turrets, and pulsating energy shields. The wide hangar bay, partially concealed beneath the platform's armored surface, yawns open like the maw of a metallic beast. It is a cavernous space that could easily accommodate a squadron of fighter ships with a shimmering blue hardlight shield keeping the oxygen inside while allowing ships to pass through. You catch sight of the Twin-Railguns protruding menacingly from the defensive platform, each longer and nearly as large around as the Iridium Dawn itself. The guns, their barrels gleaming under the distant light of the Al'Rhud sun, point ominously away from the planet, as if daring any would-be aggressor to challenge the might of Halba.   The Iridium Dawn gracefully skirts the edges of the Halba Defensive Platform. You feel the surge and hum of your ship's atmospheric engines rumble to life throughout the ship as you pass into the upper atmosphere of the planet. The vibration resonates far stronger than the effortless gliding through space that has begun to feel like the norm as you begins your descent through the planet's atmosphere. The light of the distant sun is momentarily eclipsed as your ship passes beneath the looming station.   The planet Al'Rhudi unveils itself before your eyes as a vision of azure beauty the moment your ship passes the station and descends towards the cloud cover. It appears that around 2/3rds of the planet is currently covered in swirling, rippling clouds indicating some storm brewing below. However, in the mostly skies beneath your ship you see nothing but vast oceanic expanses sprawling beneath. Even from here, you can see their waves rippling and reflecting the sunlight that penetrates the cloud breaks. The sight is serene, natural beauty and is a stark contrast to the militaristic presence of Halba just above. Now, at the precipice of the descent and with the approval of the station to pass, your crew faces a choice. Should you continue your journey into the atmosphere of Al'Rhudi with any levels of preparation, contact, or caution, or instead dive confidently into the unknown, propelled by the thrill of discovery and fresh air?


The crew stopped before descending to call Halba, then the Al'Rhudi Oasis. They negotiated with Mara Lathas, discovered the situation on the Rig, and realized the limited trading capacity and option to offload the refugees. They discussed the options with the ship and got 6 Refugees who volunteered to remain on the Rig.   So they'd have trade goods, they then flew to the Derelict Fighter in the system and scavanged it for parts. They split into two teams, one which took the top portion of the ship and the second which took the back. They managed to successfully find the Black Box, scrap the fusion reactor core without triggering any blowback, and found a lot of metal and electronic scrap to take down to the planet.

Character(s) interacted with

Mara Lathas

Created Content

Scrap from Derelict

24 Scrap
Fusion Reactor
Black Box from Ship

What Hides Behind the Void?

Brier Bellock

Tumerian Li Shen

Report Date
08 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Al'Rhud System

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