2019.08.18 - The Trade Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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2019.08.18 - The Trade

General Summary

Cernan , Waverly, Zosime Longblade in the Gulthmere Forest   The group stabilized and packed up the hunted animals. Waverly spent time soothing the Nightstalker she captured, naming it Frecki

Camping outside the city near StarMantle - Western Farms , they dealt with hungry animals, prisoners, and howling creatures. Saul pissed himself and whined about being tied up.

Zosime journeyed into StarMantle - Market District, buying elephants, trailers, sending messages, and accepting a full load of animal dung to get better prices - kids, townsfolk, and even guards cleared the streets. Letters were sent to sell the capture animals, asking for a meeting in the morning.

In the morning, 1 elephant had wandered off to find more food. They received a letter from Cha Chasa saying they were ready and waiting for them.

The party hauled the animals into town, bought items at the small market and gave elephant rides to the kids. Soon the buyers arrived and started looking at the animals

Cernan took the lead in sales, while Zosime played the dumb fool, running around the buyer and generally being annoying. The group asked Cernan to keep his fool away. Zosime backed off a bit, but continued prancing around in the trader's faces / personal space. He then tripped, fell on the ground and forgot his fool facade.

Once again, Cernan got the trader focused on the Animals and sales, to where they inquired about the elephants. Zosime immediately said NO, not for sale.

Near completion of the sale, Waverly produced the spider eggs and bargained up the price, convincing them of direct relation to the forest spider. Attempting to push sales higher, Cernan and Zosime joined the conversation at rapid fire pace. Having grown a strong distrust and dislike of Zosime, a higher price was not reached (much to Cernan's frustration).

The group then noticed how tense the 2 henchmen were… like they were expecting trouble.

The buyers loaded up the animals, Cernan asked for reimbursement of ropes and chains. One of the henchman put all the animals to sleep and returned the ropes.

The group returned to camp, finding that Saul was over-wrought with fear due to the magic sign missing in the ground Cernan had threatened would spell immanent doom.

They set off south, to the forest again.

Rewards Granted

30xp each

Missions/Quests Completed

Turned in captured animals

Boom Boom Pow

Zosime Longblade

Report Date
18 Aug 2019
Primary Location
StarMantle - Western Farms
Secondary Location
Gulthmere Forest

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