2019.08.20 - Forest End Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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2019.08.20 - Forest End

General Summary

Cernan, Waverly, Zosime Longblade , Arazorwyn

The party continued journeying through the northern Gulthmere Forest, finding little had changed the previous day.

Waverly started tracking the 2nd Nightstalker that attempted to get into the cart. But the trail grew cold as it ran south. The group tried to make rabbit calls, but no large animals came - only crows.

Continuing south, the group heard a creature crashing towards them. Bracing for a fight, a hurt and crazed bear stumbled at them. Waverly soothed and talked to the bear. It stopped in front of them and told a tale of hordes of spiders chasing a party of animals, carts, and people led by a short person. The bear fought the spiders as this other party frantically loaded into rafts to cross the river and flee the spiders.

Arazorwyn healed the bear to near full health, then group hunted for the spiders and found them further south, towards the shore. The party engaged the group of 5 spiders, Waverly got webbed to the top of the bear.

After dispatching and looting the spiders, the group talked to the bear, finding intricate markings. Realizing the bear may be more than just a bear, they inquired further and found the bear is a druid named Morian

The group continued to the shore, found discarded weapons and items, downed trees. They camped for the night, to head across the river first thing in the morning

Rewards Granted

1100xp each

Character(s) interacted with

Met, Calmed, and allied with Morian

Boom Boom Pow

Zosime Longblade

Report Date
20 Aug 2019
Primary Location
Gulthmere Forest

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