05.03.2020 - the Pursuit Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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05.03.2020 - the Pursuit

General Summary

Zosime Longblade, Cernan ) , Zewdwim Liechtenstein , and Orren Ironhammer - in level 1 of the My Precious Dungeon

Orren sliced the remaining Rug, even though Zosime dropped his weapons. Cernan checked the storage chest and found another pile of Zubzug shasher (ale), and other items. The group barricaded themselves in the bedroom, broke out ale and food, and rested. Zosime was not able to process the ale and had difficulties standing and focusing after the rest. Upon opening the door, Scampers heard an animal approaching. Soon a dog-like creature rounded the corner and watched them. Zosime inspected the dog and discovered it was a machine covered to look dog-like.

The group baited the dog into the bedroom and locked the door. They continued down the stairs, and ran into a Riddle Door. Zosime was barely convinced to not pee all over it. They solved each riddle, dropping the items into the bowl. Until finally, it opened. They detected creatures sleeping in a room. Cernan threw a grenade into the room, waking up 4 swarms of tiny snakes. 2 moved away, 1 stayed in the room, and the 4th found the group. They sliced up swarms #3 and #4, threw oil into the burning nest to further drive them away.

Scampers scouted ahead, finding a large pool, and Snake Lady waiting with an Armor Guard. Swarm #1 popped up behind the group from a grate system, biting Cernan and Zosime. After destroying the swarm, they jumped the burning oil. Cernan shot the condensed group with a fireball, causing Lady to shoot him and run away. Cernan shot another fireball, melting down all but 1 Armors. This angered the waters and as soon as the last armor was destroyed, a giant Octopus creature from the pool rose and tried to slap Zosime

Rewards Granted

2325 xp each

Missions/Quests Completed

advanced to Level 2 of the dungeon

Character(s) interacted with

caught up with the Medusa

Boom Boom Pow

Zewdwim Liechtenstein

Level 4 Forest Gnome Chaotic Good Articifer
/ 38 HP

Zosime Longblade

Report Date
03 May 2020
Primary Location
My Precious Dungeon
Secondary Location
Gulthmere Forest

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