Session 20: A Wizard's Interest Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 20: A Wizard's Interest Report

General Summary


  1. The morning after the party had arrived to the Heart of the Valley, much of them were greeted by a good morning, though some woke with thoughts of lingering dreams, or were dissatisfied with the limitations on sparring.
  2. The Wizard's steward, Tetra, returned to the party's lodge in the morning, welcoming them with news that the Wizard would heed their request. The party quickly gathered their things, and left for what Tetra described as quite a long walk.
  3. Traveling what should've been miles in mere minutes, the party made their way across the Valley's central island, seeing the small towns and warforged soldiers that permeated the island. Eventually, the party came across the sight of a massive pit, spanning miles, close to the Wizard's tower. The stone used to enclose the pit being so large that it was impossible to see the full depth of the hole from a standing position.
  4. In about two and a half hours, the party had finally arrived at the Wizard of the Lake's tower, a massive spire that's base could easily encapsulate a small city within. Even the entrance to the tower was wonderous, a displacement system where simply walking towards a wall would move you to the top of its height, and conversely, to the long broken bridge that extended from the tower's entrance. Tetra excused herself to her duties, and implored the party to enter the tower.
  5. Past the self opening doors, laid a gargantuan white domed room. The party sat at a balcony overlooking the empty dome, and across from them, the barely visible form of the Wizard. The room transformed itself to be a sprawling woodland reminiscent of the woods around Northal, and the Wizard implored the party to meet her.
  6. Sitting gracefully at a makeshift camp, the Wizard asked the party to introduce themselves and make their case.
  7. Listing many of Northal's benefits, the party talked well of their home, even under the rule that they couldn't lie. The Wizard offered extreme scrutiny though, and under that criticism, Celrin spoke too out of turn for the Wizard's tastes. This exacerbated the Wizard's criticisms, and Rainer attempted to sway her with brutal, borderline foolish honesty. When the Wizard had finally heard enough, she explained to the party that she was quite dissatisfied with their plea, but would offer them a chance to prove themselves with their fighting rather than their words. When the party accepted her challenge to improve their odds, the Wizard introduced them to her Adult Black Dragon servant.
  8. The party fought viciously against the dragon, having several instances where many of them nearly died. Ultimately, Noppa landed the killing blow against the creature, and the party's combat abilities were undoubtedly solidified.
  9. The Wizard, very impressed with the party's ability to slay a dragon, decided to accept Northal's plea of officiation, and unceremoniously teleported the party back to Northal Castle. She then raised the sign of a nation's officiation, a Cadgegap, within the center of Northal Castle, and left within it; remarking that the party is welcome to stop by the Heart of the Valley should they so desire.


In Game Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 05/10/1195—08/11/1195

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