Session 0: The Players Enter Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 0: The Players Enter

General Summary

Cyrale 232 4E (Late autumn, two years before campaign start)

Fresh off the boat from Ebaril, Meridas Starlight stepped ashore onto one of the docks in the bustling city of Catun. With solid ground under their feet after more than three weeks at sea, Meridas wasted no time in finding a good tavern and an eager audience, their lute keen to hum. It was there she met Odhran Trailwalker, who'd arrived in the city some days past with a trading caravan. Drinks were drunk, tales were told, and Odhran started to sing. Unlike the young dirala half-elf, the burly dwarf is not one who possesses a pleasant, or even tolerable, set of pipes and his performance was quick to stir annoyance amongst the tavern's patrons, which soon escalated to a brawl. Meridas discretely left, using a quick flash of magic to hold still a particularly large fellow blocking her path, while Odhran was more than happy to join the fray.   The two later ran into each other again, and together got themselves employed to guard a caravan heading inland.

Suneli 233 4E (Mid-summer, year and a half before campaign start)

Tawny and Willum first meet in Kaldyte.

Malale 233 4E (Early Autumn, two months later)

In Journey's Close, Meridas and Odhran first meet Avina Marwick.

3rd Chauntali 234 4E (Mid-Autumn, four months before campaign start)

During the Descension Festival in Journey's Close, the two groups meet.

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