The First Chapter, Session One: Conjunctures and Coalitions Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

The First Chapter, Session One: Conjunctures and Coalitions

General Summary

Our story begins at the Crossroads Inn, a days ride north of Athvan. Two groups find themselves here, both on their own journeys. A bard, a Soldier and a vagrant are one group, split among the crowd. The bard, Errato Annalis, has positioned himself in front of the small corner stage, writing down the tale being told by an old man. The others are seated at the bar. The solder, Qemuel Hope, is conversing with the vagrant, Kalistra. Before long, the door opens and the other group enters. A scholar, and a Valkyrie. Their entrance draws gazes from the patrons, but before long they return to their drinks. The scholar, Caldwell Fleetstone, and the Valkyrie, Rúna Brynjalður, make their way to the bar taking a seat next to Qemuel and Kalistra.
Before long, the bard hired for the evening makes his way to the stage. Upon hearing his awful playing, Errato Jumps up to the stage. He tells the bard off, and begins to play. The tavern enjoys his music. While this is happening, the two groups at the bar begin to converse. Before they can get deep into conversation though, four men burst into the inn. They fan out and before anyone knows what to do they transform. Black, smoky ichor swirls around them in the form of a snake. The two groups draw their weapons, now fighting as one.
The fight took mere seconds, but when the dust settled the four monsters lay dead, and Errato unconscious with them. Kali heals the bard, waking him, and the party goes about mending the damage to the inn and burning the bodies of the monstrosities. Rúna finds a symbol of crossing swords on one of their wrists, and is able to draw it before it fades. They are given free room and board for the night from the innkeeper, and head to bed as night falls. When the party wakes, the contract to mend the Athvan Lighthouse is presented. They decided they could use the coin, and head south to the Gnomish city.
They meet with the man on the contract, Garril Ottock, Athvan Dockmaster. He informs them that they are to be tasked with repair of the lighthouse. He informs them that two other groups had been sent, five gnomish dock workers and five adventurer. Neither group has returned. The crown was to pay their living expenses while in the city. The group leaves and finds room for the night, ending up at the high class Brass Chariot on the city square. Before settling for the evening, Errato and Rúna head to inform Garril of their lodgings, while the other three make their way to the library in Megnant Keep to learn more about their task.
Errato and Rúna inform Garril’s secretary about their lodgings, avoiding an angry response from the Gnome. The other three work with a Teifling librarian to identify the crossed sword symbol. They narrow it down to three possible options, and take the book back to the Brass Chariot for further research.
When the group meets for the evening, Qemuel is able to recall which symbol it was. It is a symbol of The Order of Fear, a cult that worships the Devil Dendar. They retire at this and decide to head to the lighthouse in the morning.

Character(s) interacted with

Garril Ottock, Athvan Dockmaster.

The Asteria Tales

Caldwell Fleetstone

Level 8 Human Wizard
26 / 50 HP

Rúna Brynjalður

Level 8 Human Barbarian
(Far Traveler)
85 / 85 HP

Qemuel Hope

Level 7/1 Tiefling Lawful Neutral Rogue/Fighter
52 / 52 HP

Errato Annalis

Level 8 Half Elf CG Bard (Glamour)
38 / 38 HP
Report Date
24 Jun 2018
Primary Location
Inn at the Crossroads (Athvan)
Secondary Location
Athvan (Settlement)

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