The First Chapter, Session Four: Deliverance Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

The First Chapter, Session Four: Deliverance

General Summary

The elf dismounted and the party introduced themselves. Caldwell, recognizing the elf, called by name: Aedwen Bowman. After introductions, the party explained to Aedwen the current situation as Curass had kept her in the dark out of respect. Some points were cleared up between the group and Aedwen, firstly that the mage had worked with Snadvida on her experiments with the Dendarian Ichor. After her usefulness expired she was exiled by Snadvida for studying dark arts.   Before continuing the point of saving Kalistra from the infection was brought up. To the anger of the Vagrant, the group discussed her fate as if she was an object to be debated over, rarely asking her for her opinion at all. This deliberation lasted for many hours before a consensus was made. Snadvida would be needed to cure Kali, and they could use the contents of the chest they stole from Megnant Keep to bargain.   The chest contents were then revealed, and inside the vault-like container were three orbs, two filled with a swirling black goo and one filled with a milky white substance. The black ones radiated heat like mad, while the white one felt bitter cold. Aedwen informed them that the black orbs contained a sort of seed crystal for the ichor, a point at which to make more. The white orb was a type of antidote used to counteract the effects.   Realizing that they could continue no further without talking to Snadvida Aedwen sent out a message that she wished to meet. In return for being able to bring their weapons, the party would meet on her turf: the lab under the city.   The Ridweth mage informed the party that she could inscribe a spell-scroll like rune on each of the party members for use at a later point. Much deliberation happened into the late hours of the night before a rune was chosen by each.   During watch, a peculiar scene unfolded. Aedwen inscribed a rune on the polished face of the Vagrant’s shield and made off for the night. When all were asleep Kali activated the inscription and a scene played out in the mirror-like surface. In a tavern was a male Elf in traveling clothes. He held out a contract to the innkeeper and the words could be made out clear as day. Wanted. Kalistra Olaryn. For crimes against Ilucin. The contract issuer: the Moonguard.    

  The party woke to the smell of breakfast cooking over an open fire. The first members to wake were the Valkyrie and the Soldier. Rúna made her way off into the woods to find firewood as Qemuel accepted some eggs and bacon from Aedwen. A few moments passed before Rúna returns to the clearing at a run. Waking the party she informs them of a group of soldiers methodically combing the woods. After a short debate, it is decided that Curass will stay behind and distract the soldiers when they find the clearing. Aedwen quickly draws a rune into the snow and the party makes off with the chest at a run, carting it through the woods in Errato’s wagon.   After a while, Aedwen pulls out a mirror showing the clearing with Curass there. Realizing her friend’s death is imminent she dissolves into shadow and rushes back the way they came. Through her mirror, the party sees the mage, who previously claimed to have no combat prowess, turn the soldier across from Curass to dust. She then scoops up her friend and returns to the party.   Making their way through the woods at an angle, the group eventually emerges and circles back around to the gate. Stopping before they could get within eyesight the group goes about disguising each other for entrance into the city. As this is occurring a large company of Royal Guards make their way through the gates from the direction of the woods, assumed to be the group looking for them.   After a few minutes, the disguises are done and a different looking bunch makes their way up to the gate. When they get close one of the guards begins to recognize Curass, a very noticeable face in the city. The party springs into action, breaking out into a scene. The Scholar pretends to be an outsider that no one wants to deal with, and this is amplified by performances by the Bard. The guard buys it and they make their way into the city, playing up the act as they go.   Aedwen procures a tuning rod to lead them to the teleport circle to Snadvida’s lab. Making their way through the slums the group comes to a vacant house. The door is pushed in by the Valkyrie and the place is searched. In the basement is a large stone cylinder surrounding what could be assumed to be the circle. Rúna attempts to break the stone using pressure points created by a Gorgon horn in her bag, but it is not effective enough. Enraged, the barbarian goes at it with both horns acting as hammers, and the group converses as the stone is reduced to rubble. Before long the circle is revealed.   Aedwen activates the magic and the circle hums to life emitting a blue glow. The party files in one after another and finds themselves in a foyer-like room. On the walls are trophies from what looks like Snadvida’s adventuring days. From these, the Vagrant takes a Campaign Medal from a Moonguard soldier, and the Bard takes one of the everburning torches. Without a moment to spare the group walks through the doors at the far end of the room and into the lab.   The place has lab equipment scattered all over, everything from alchemical stations to subject restraint tables. In the corners of the room are royal guards, and steading in front of a wall covered floor to ceiling with Husk pods is Snadvida. They meet in the center, and Rúna presents the chest to the opposing party. After a long debate, Snadvida agrees to help them cure Kalistra, and the two mages begin to prep for the procedure.   Kalistra undresses and enters a curtain-enclosed area with Rúna accompanying for protection. The mages inform each person of their task. Caldwell and Errato are to assist in concentration for the spell. Rúna is to prevent Kali from leaving the operating table. Qemuel is to make sure none of the soldiers attack while this is happening. Before long, the procedure begins.   When the spell is transferred to the mages a weight is put on them. The spell they are holding is immensely powerful. Almost too much. Before long their concentration wains and Kali is thrown into a fit of rage, unable to control herself. Rúna is able to hold her back, though the frail half-elf’s strength seems to have tripled. The next wave of concentration hits and this time the mages are able to hold on. While this is occurring Qemuel notices something. The wall of Husks seems to be moving, almost like they are waking up. Curious to a fault, the tiefling makes his way over to investigate.   Another crippling wave of magical energy and the mages are unable to hold the spell once again. This time Kali lunges for the throat of the Valkyrie, but a strong headbutt puts the girl back into the bed. Rúna quickly restrains her further. A last push from all and the spell ends.   Just as this happens, the eyes of the husk in front of Qemuel fly open and the monstrosity begins to bang on the glass containing it. One by one every one of the beasts awakens and begin doing the same. The group runs for the exit at a breakneck speed, and as the run, the wall bursts open. They all file into the circle as a wave of ichor flows towards them. The last person enters and everyone is back in the hut. As the beginnings of ichor begin to make their way into the circle the Scholar breaks the chalk line and the teleportation field dissipates.   With a yell Aedwen grabs Snadvida’s throat and pins her to a wall, her hands glowing with heat. The party draws the weapons, pointing and Aedwen, the guards, or some of their own ranks. Errato begins to play a musical song to calm the angry mage, but before he can start playing she shatters the instrument with a spell. Ranting about how the gnome ruined her Errato tried again to calm her and this time the room as well. This time the magic works and all of the anger dissipates from the changeling. Errato is able to talk her down before the spell ends, and the deaths of many are prevented.   We rejoin the party in the residence of Snadvida after any information she has is extracted. Snadvida knows what must happen: she must die and fulfill her contract with Dendar. Rúna, speaking in the Seldari tongue, approaches the gnome and summons her spear. The execution is quick and painless, and the gnome slumps dead in her chair.   Before the body can hit the ground a column of light surrounds the dead gnome, and the room seems to darken a bit. Dendar thanks the party for their job well done, and wishes them luck on their times to come.   Aedwen pays the group fifty gold each out of pocket and then informs the group of some news. There has been summons across the Misty River in Tol Fesso for Qemuel. There is a ball being held to honor the Vargan Reconnaissance Company and his presence has been requested in the village across the river. In the letters is one addressed by an old friend. To most, it looks like gibberish, but Qemuel can read the code. He informs them what it says: go to Tol Fesso but watch your back. There are eyes everywhere. The party decided to head across the river after a nights rest in the city.

The Asteria Tales

Caldwell Fleetstone

Level 8 Human Wizard
26 / 50 HP

Rúna Brynjalður

Level 8 Human Barbarian
(Far Traveler)
85 / 85 HP

Qemuel Hope

Level 7/1 Tiefling Lawful Neutral Rogue/Fighter
52 / 52 HP

Errato Annalis

Level 8 Half Elf CG Bard (Glamour)
38 / 38 HP
Report Date
28 Aug 2018

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