S27 1142 GDC Haciathra, the 12th day of Zummaer Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

S27 1142 GDC Haciathra, the 12th day of Zummaer Report

General Summary

Brawlipop flat-footed the rest of the party as tension bubbled over for her suddenly snapping at Moon and breaking down before making a hasty exit leaving the party behind. Perils of devils crossing to this plane mixed with hardship in her abilities and longing to prover her worth to her family, she took refuge at the Knight's Crest Tavern. The rest of the party worked with Tarian and his mother Emiladwin for a resolution to the incursion upon their estate. Captain Fajor was able to have Brckman escorted to location and while he would work to shut one portal, the party would work to clear another, the Sylhorn guard would stand by Zanz as protection. The party descended into a boarded up crawlspace found in the cattle holding pens and traversed another natural cavern found below. They encountered a pack of the lizard-insectoid like creatures lead by a more mature specimen. They were victorious in putting each of them down but worried as to how pervasive these creatures were in these tunnels.

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