S12 1142 GDC Elora, 27th Day of Faelyn Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

S12 1142 GDC Elora, 27th Day of Faelyn Report

General Summary

The heroes waited for the two refugees to come to consciousness before introducing themselves. The dwarf Tymun Goldpass and half-elf Rihorn woke to the comforts of the Temple of Heironeous. They were a part of an adventuring company based out of the city of Mosshill on the boarders of Alundra and Vladia, within the sovereignty of Isag. They were conducting an expedition in the Gamilta bog over a period of time to explore and attempt to tame the local areas. They happened upon an obelisk/temple and went in to explore. After sustaining heavy losses the two plus their leader, Onvan Meldenez, escaped south to the Avonmouth coast before trekking north to Isag. They were all afflicted with the very creatures that decimated their company.

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