S28 1142 GDC Haciathra, the 12th day of Zummaer Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

S28 1142 GDC Haciathra, the 12th day of Zummaer Report

General Summary

The party wasted no time in delving deeper into the cave system under the Sylhorn estate. They stumbled upon a pool of poisonous liquid and made their best attempts to avoid its sickening embrace. Another, larger, nest of creatures were found at the heart of these tunnels only this time, the heroes had the opportunity to sneak up upon the unwitting predators. After a vicious volley, they all but downed the first of the mature creatures and quickly battled the rest of the nest. After killing what seemed to be the adults among the nest, the rest of the newly hatched young went to ground and all seemed quiet. The heroes gathered their strength in the quiet thrumming of the cave, preparing for what comes next.

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