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Second Crusade Acquisitions Squad

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Anasol
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • King Ewain Blackford
    Name: King Ewain Blackford Race: Human Class: Fighter (Battlemaster) Origin: Plymyus City, Plymyus Association: Nobility, Plymyian Military, Temple of Kain Motivation: Power, Land, Wealth Personality: Gruff, Narrow Minded, No nonsense, Tactician Likes: Soldiers, Battle, Prestige Dislikes: Mages, Thieves, Dragonkind Forces: 4000 Infantry (majority human), 30 Clerics, 6 Mages, 60 Light Cavalry, 12 Heavy Cavalry (King Blackford, Nobles) 30 Siege ladders, 5 Trebuchets

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