Session 7 : The Search for the Girl Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 7 : The Search for the Girl Report

General Summary

The players arrived at the town they found the ships waiting for them as well as the mass of family Tieflings. They then spoke with the matriarch, Bella Bordeaux who took them into their lodge, where the hosts guest. It appears that the missing body of the commander and their search had made the rounds. The players learned that the plot against Kestario Langdon was likely devised by Pablo the Tiger King because he desired to strike out at Lady Gray. By tying in Emmalie Bordeaux to the plot Pablo desired to bring her out so he could kidnap her. She did have a connection to Kesterio, but only as a music teacher. She denied the allegations her father brought. Emmalie agreed to go with the players, because it appeared that the Tiger King had already found them. The Tiger King arrived and entered into parlay with the characters. He demanded that they give him Emmalie and give up. Kethra stood his ground during negotiations even though Valoseyr and Bul-Kathos were willing to give into the demands.   During parlay Bul-Kathos moved around to the bar and beginning to construct Molotov cocktails. Zis also moved closer to the pirates who were sitting across from their Tiefling soldier counterparts. They break parlay and she bashes the closest one with her spiritual weapon just as Bul-Kathos tosses his two cocktails. One explodes harmlessly on the floor and the other splashes across the table, igniting one of the pirates and killing them burning another who has large handlebar mustaches.   Bul-Kathos rushes out and tackles the Tiger King, pinning him to the ground. Valoseyr then begins to attack the pinned Tiger King while Bul-Kathos holds him down. Valoseyr's casts a hex on Tiger King, reducing his ability to be able to escape Bul-Katho's grasp.   Zis, Kethra, and Yandria then proceed to attack the remaining pirates. Several of the pirates use magic to attack the players and the Tiefling soldiers. Yandria uses her hunters mark and expert marksmanship to dispatch several of the soldiers. During combat Zis uses her healing on one of the soldier, a young Tiefling with horns that shape up to a horn-bun. Kethra and Zis use their spiritual weapons to bash and kill the pirates.   After the battle begins to turn and the Tiger King realizes he will not be able to escape Bul-Kathos's grasp, he begs to be released but the players continue to kill him and when he's dispatched, Bul-Kathos takes off his head, wraps it in his fur cloak and attaches it to his belt.   After the battle, Yandria rushes outside to find Emaliee and she does, but as they come back they see a large collection orcs amassing in the west and hear the sound of howling of cats and landing ships coming in from the pirates. Valoseyr climbs to the top of the building and lauches arcane blast out and kills one orc as the session ends.

Rewards Granted

  • Two magical rings
  • A Pair of magical boots

Missions/Quests Completed

The players dispatched of the Tiger King and secured the agreement of Emmalie to go with them.

Character(s) interacted with

The Death of Commander Schaffa

Valoseyr Raptyr

Level 6 Dragonborn CN Rogue 1/Warlock 5
(Secret Identity)
33 / 39 HP
Report Date
11 Apr 2020

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