Getting to Know the Harrier Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Getting to Know the Harrier Report

General Summary

On Drinax, you met up with King Oleb, were given the Harrier Class ship, which you named Reveka. This highly sophisticated but dilapidated vessel needs a lot of work. From there you explored the Floating Palace of Drinax a bit, did a little checking in the local scholars tower, bought some supplies. An odd job or two were picked up and your Captain arrived, Malcolm Reynolds. Captain Reynolds orders the jump drive repaired. After this you hired Adro and William and off you went to Torpol. With a full passenger compliment, and 10 tonnes of hardwood in your cargo.   On Torpol, you decide to get to try and complete the side jobs acquired. Sam sells off the wood that was brought along and tries to dig up some work with his contacts. Alor heads to the pub after waking his first set of 'frosties' as he calls them, or passengers taking the cold berths. At the pub 'Slippy's' he talks with a patron and hears of a raid on Torpol.   Thera goes to Slippy's, she gets hit on by an Aslan waiter, and meets VatarRyn, after a convincing conversation, she hires him to join the crew.

Missions/Quests Completed

The crew has completed the introductory quest, so to speak. They have successfully made their way to a new world, made a little credits, and hired some hands to help.   New Quest initiated - Investigate Raid on Clarke & Torpol.

Character(s) interacted with

Hired Adro Venniser, William Magnus, and Captain Reynolds took over the ship.   King Oleb hired the crew

The Pirates of Drinax
Report Date
29 Aug 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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