Session 15: Whose story is true? Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 15: Whose story is true? Report

General Summary

While leaving the woods, Tak, Garuman, and Mika, all see a creature within the woods. It appeared to be a giant moving tree and they decided that would be best to speak with the Spirit. A tunnel of vines forms in the woods, leading the way towards the Spirit. Mika is not allowed entry; it will only allow Garuman and Tak into the trees.   Shei and Voidheart meet with Fretrick the Eldar of the druids. During this time a small bird lands on Voidheart and the Elderr tells him that the birds name is Rauthak the Destroyer. During the questioning, the elder says that a decade before they attempted a ritual to strengthen and protect the woods; hoping to fight against the encroachment of civilization they feared was coming. He was cursed by the Spirit, who corrupted the woods during the ritual, and a Seed of Corruption was implanted in his body and is slowly killing him. Hopefully with the aid of the adventurers the corrupted Spirit will be killed.   Tak and Garuman talk to the Tree Spirit, Okefell, who tells a different tale, about the elders casting the ritual to corrupt it and steal his seed. With this seed, the elder is sapping the strength from the wood. He wants the Elder dead and the seed returned.   The Adventurers all meet up and swap stories. Unsure of what to do next, they decide that it would be best to each question the people they had not talked to yet. Shei and Garuman go to the Tree Spirit and talk with him. He provides the same answers to them and implores them to aid him.   After speaking with the Elder, and not fully believing him, Tak heads back to their meeting point. Garuman goes exploring and finds an altar of burned wood with a symbol of a burning house. There are also a few spell scrolls, one of which contains a ritual about Essence transference. Mika uses her shapeshifting abilities to pretend to be **ASTRID** and talks to the Elder. He says that they have to do this; the price of the woods is worth protecting the world.   Mika changes back to her original form too early and is spotted by the elder. The druids begin to attack her, causing her to go unconscious. Garuman tries to help but is quickly overpowered. Tak, Voidheart, and Shei see the fire of the tent and begin to head towards the encampment of the Druids. There they see Mika and Garuman hung up by thorny vines and the eldar standing between them. "Kill the Wood Spirit and we shall return your friends! Try to save them and you will join their fate!"   Shei sees the druid Astrid standing on the edge of a cliff looking anxious and with trepidation.

The Return
Report Date
30 Mar 2024

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