S02E03: Personal Ambitions Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

S02E03: Personal Ambitions Report

General Summary

The party, already deep into trouble and scandal only a single day into the town of Sandpoint, find themselves at the mercy of a star witness to their crimes of murdering Aliver Podiker and burning down his business along with several adjoining buildings. Jubrayl Vhiski has given them 2 tasks to complete in order to not only keep his silence, but to establish a working relationship with them:

  • Gather information on Titus Scarnetti, particularly things that can be used as blackmail against him, as Jubrayl seeks to take ownership of the Scarnetti Mill. He has also hinted that Jass, a certain prostitute at the Pixie’s Kitten, has a client that deals with ruthless property acquisition and might be a useful ally in this endeavor.
  • He also wants them to earn Madame Kaye’s good favor towards him through acts of service or hospitality. This can go many ways.
Andra, has set off to the Nettlewood to find her half-sister Shalelu, who meets her at Thistletop. She tells Andra of the situation and layout of the Thistle Tunnels as well as the current situation in Thistletop as she understands it (goblin tribes unifying, Lost Coast Heroes missing at this spot, human leaders involved). Andra sneaks out to the tunnels in the night, kills Gogmurt the goblin druid in his sleep and spends her time working with the firepelt cougar. She returns to camp with Tangletooth, she plans with her sister.   Josef pursues the Pixie’s Kitten lead, and after fumbling through introductions with the halfling secretary Sara Beck and the lead courtsean, Chiara, he eventually ends in a room with Jass. After lame sex, he attempts to hypnotize her, fails and plays it off as a head massage. He agrees to return later.   Josef meets with Lecticia and El, the two of whom have decided to track down rumors of goblins in the Brinestump Marsh. Along the way, they meet one Finley Radwell who Josef hires as a guide. In the marsh, crossing a rivulet, they are attacked by alligators, one obviously an alpha or dire specimen. Finley is killed, the three of them continue towards the backside of the Licktoad Goblin village.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Sara Beck, halfling secretary at Pixie's Kitten
  • Chiara, high-end courtesan
  • Jass, wild redheaded courtesan
  • Shalelu Andosana, half-elf ranger (Half-sister to Andra)

Like Moths to the Light of the Lost Coast

Andra Firmane

4-Level Shifter 1-Level Sorcerer 1-Level Dragon Disciple

Lecticia VonCruz

Eldritch Fallen Angel
6-Level Gloomblade 1-Level VoidKineticist

Eylexavier Of Cruz

Elf Vampire
5-Level BloodKineticist
Report Date
19 Jun 2023

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