Session 4: The Hunt Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 4: The Hunt

General Summary

On the Hunt for Hal, Ginn’s captive husband, Narsi enters Orak’s cantina by way of Alimus’ abandoned underpass. Sneaking by a sleeping guard and listening in on a conversation she discovers that Seara Cesklaw has arrived and is eager to make sure the plan is going smoothly.   Narsi, Bill and Sylvia regroup after some light investigating and follow Cesklaw and two of Orak’s boys through the vermin-infested transit tunnels. They emerge in an abandoned industrial section of the city, tailing their quarry to a derelict factory where Hal was being held.   After Cesklaw left they shot down the remaining guard and rescued Hal. They contacted Ginn who told them they’d have to leave the same way they entered and set to meet them back in the city proper once he’d figured out a way off-planet.

Heritage of the Lost
Report Date
28 Apr 2023

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