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Empire Ablaze

A Pathfinder 2e game In the world of Sona-Nyl
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  • The Glorious Ashurite Empire and her surrounds
    This is the (WIP) map of the Seven Satrapies that make up the Ashurite Empire. This will be updated as I do more work!
Supporting Cast
A foray into a new world and a new system, this campaign follows the adventures of five individuals as they navigate a land ready to be cast in the flames.   The Ashuurite Empire, a vast and diverse empire forged by the will of its conqueror Kuurash of House Sacaar, teeters on the brink. Kuurash is old and her children, rulers of the various Satrapies, see an opportunity. In the absence of a clear successor all in the Empire plot, plan and prepare for what seems like the inevitable.   Meanwhile, the last great opponent of the Empire, the Poison King, appears to have had enough and sends a caravan of gifts to the great city of Ashuur. They carry with them slaves and gifts of earth and water.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Aban ibn Amir min Al'alwan attagur Jattab

Tokaxochitl (Spider Flower)
