Seesion 0: Character Creation Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Seesion 0: Character Creation Report

General Summary

We are starting a new campaign finally! This is going to be a fun one. I will be running Rime of the Frostmaiden, set in my world of Avoron, with the Pathfinder 2e system.   We have 3 players to start: Tyler Gallop playing Tulaan the Barbarian Eric Silk playing Mythdorian the Wizard Dallan Pickard playing Dablin the Rogue   This session was really just creating characters.   Tulaan is a Human Barbarian. He was born in Icewind Dale to the remnants of the Val'Shuran people. They are called the Reghed now. Icewind Dale of course is still called the Valley of the Phoenix to these peoples whom are called barbarians by the newcomers. Tulaan was born a prince but was cast into the sea by his mother, queen of the tiger tribe. He was saved by a wear polar bear. He left to join the other tribes of his people that swore vengeance after the death of Val'Shura. He found them and lived with them. He is now returning upon hearing that the icy heart of Val'Shura is being used by Auril to make herself a Goddess. He will have to confront his heritage and see what he can do against the icy cold of the Frostmaiden.   Mythdorian is an Elven Wizard. He hails form The Pentamark and has lived a life of relative luxury. At some point he was recruited and trained by The Office of Stability and Development, or OSD. He has been sent north to look for and neutralize threats to the Ten Towns. They sit on valuable resources that the Pentmark would hate to lose. He has a contact Beldora who poses as a homeless woman in Bryn Shander. Identified threats have been The Arcane Cabal and The Order of the Crimson Lotus. The Arcane Cabal is looking for something in the north and it would be much better for OSD to find it than them.   Dablin hails from a currently unknown land. He has a penchant for the occult and love to learn more. Really Dablin is looking for something to believe in and a community to be a part of. The weirder the better. His recent past is a bit scrambled right now as he was captured by several Illithid. The illithid ship crashed after surfacing in the Sea of Moving Ice in Icewind Dale. Dablin survived the crash partially thanks to his unbreakable nature. He mihgt have easily frozen to death in the icy tundra had he not come across the last caravan travelling north.

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Rime of the Frostmaiden
Report Date
12 Oct 2020

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