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Curse of Strahd

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of It's Always Sunny in Barovia
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Tue 2nd February 2021 19:00

Session 0 part 2 " World weaving"

Sessions Archive

26th Jan 2021

Session 0 "Character building"

Going over all characters, tying their backstories together, finishing up all character stuff in general. Trinket were handed out as well as answering some campaign questions.   HOMEWORK FOR PLAYERS: Write a small paragraph for your world anvil character page so other players can reference it if they need to. Does not need to be super in-depth but should essentially be a summation of your backstory.   Established some general outlines for campaign participation, set guidelines and outlined basics.   We will be picking accountabilibuddies for when a member of the group needs to miss a session. You’re accountabilibuddy will take control of your character reasonably, and will do their best to not get your character killed. The only time this ruling will not take effect is for major plot points/boss battles unless voted on by the group prior to the session.   Players should speak to their buddies about tying their characters together make sure they are comfortable with playing the character.   If 2 or more people can’t make the session, it shall be cancelled.   Demonstrations of Roll20 and the fancy things DM Jim has. Basics of character sheets, compendium access, auto tracking of things and use of roll20 virtual tools.

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