Session 12: New friends and foes Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 12: New friends and foes Report

General Summary

The session began with the party fighting a large, hulking brute of a creature, fit with arms and legs sprouting out of every place on its body, its ribcage poking out of its body, and its organs barely kept from falling out. After a rough fight, where Orion and Reima were both downed and swallowed by the creature, Zeal defeated the creature by firing a bullet into its ribcage, letting all of its organs fall out, leaving it dead after regurgitating both Reima and Orion.   They then encountered the people who were laughing at them at the inn, weapons drawn. They threatened the party, that if they did not hand over the book they found there, then they would collapse the entrance with explosives. After a heated negotiation, with the party attempting to trick the rival group with a fake book, they came to a deal that they would leave with money instead of the book. After they left, the party waited a minute, seeing no explosion happen, then leaving. There was no trace of explosives ever being at the entrance. The party then came across Doralia, where she apologized for their actions, and that she was left behind by them. The party then took Doralia with them back to Marcroix, where they dropped her off.    The party then headed back to Helmgart, where they talked to Lenna and found out she was trying to contact them when they were gone. She explained that a large amount of people, mostly commoners, had gone missing, but she had no leads. She then explained that she had made a new contact, in which he would help with dealing with the Scaled King, named William Battier.    When they arrive at his house, they find out that has been murdered, framed as a suicide. The Lord-Lieutenant, Ithar Dunn, is there with a few guards, saying that they are under-manned and offer that they will pay the party to investigate the murder. After some investigation, it leads to a prime suspect being found, named Tavion Arnatt, who is quickly kidnapped publicly by the party after he refused to go with them. They were then told off by the Guard Commander, who said that it was illegal to do that, but let them off since they were low on men so they could not risk throwing them off the investigation. They then confronted Tavion again, believing him being the man who committed the murder. He quickly escapes behind a cloud of smoke he created, fleeing from the guards who were to arrest him, and a building blowing up in flames across the street.

Rewards Granted

  • Tranquil Hush
  • Oath Shatter
  • 2x Healing Potion
  • 1x Greater Healing Potion
  • Campaign
    The Elder Nexus Campaign


    Report Date
    27 Nov 2022

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