Session 38: An Uneasy Alliance Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 38: An Uneasy Alliance Report

General Summary

The session began with the party leaving Agan's home to a mountain pass that he directed them to, to find Titan's Remnant and their target, Lord Sorcerer Burblespue Halescourge. Making their way through the mountain pass, they found huge ruins that once belonged to Frost Giants that inhabited the mountains over a century ago. A long lasting war between the Frost and Cloud giants tore the mountains apart, the ruins being proof. The cloudy ice showed illusory images of the war, playing remnants of the past. Aes decyphered the general meaning of some runes carved into the ruins, meaning "Fortress", "Safe" and "Home".    The party then continued through the mountain pass, where Geraldt spotted a boulder quickly making its way down the mountainside. The party scrambled into the ruins, but Aes didn't quite make it and the edge of the boulder caught her foot. Zeal helped her out, and they made their way through the huge ruins, bigger than any they had seen before. A room was found nearby where they attempted to find a way out. It was a huge kitchen, with ancient, decaying food laying around and giant counters up above. A noise was heard nearby, and after Zeal shot a warning shot, a group of 12 Kobolds were found who were looting what they could in the ruins.    Their leader, Fridge, explained that they could get the party out of the ruins and in return they would save one of the other Kobolds, who was taken by the Draconians, named Bin. The party followed Fridge who took them to an exit where the Kobolds make a ladder of themselves and the party climbed up to a crevice which lead outside towards Titan's Remnant. The Kobolds said they would wait there until they returned with Bin.    After a while of walking through the now calm snow mountain, the party found another Draconian War Camp pressed up against the mountain side. The party took their positions and sprung an ambush on the camp, Zeal and Geraldt taking out the lookouts on a watch tower whilst Aes and Orion charged in from the front, charging into battle. The lookouts were swiftly taken out without much time to react, and two Draconians messing with Bin sprung to action, but were too slow and could not do much. A black Draconian came out of one of the huts, confused and sped towards Orion where he tried to attack him, but Orion Dimension Door'd away, safe from the enemies. The rest of the Draconians were swiftly dealt with, with one surrendering not too far into the fight.   The party questioned the surrendering Draconian, who told them that Burblespue wanted to speak with them. He also explained how he wanted to be free, much like Yolon, Kapak and Sivak. He wanted his friends to be free, out of the grasp of the Iron Legion and be their own people, but feared the consequences as he would have to fight his own and possibly die himself, but he also knew that if he did nothing, then there would be no freedom. The party then told Bin to meet with the other kobolds and bring the Draconian, that they named Clarence, with him.    The party then went through a large door into the mountain where the war camp was and confronted Burblespue where he wanted to talk to the party, just like Clarence said. The party exchanged with Burblespue, where he hinted at possibly coming to terms with the party if they offered something in turn for his services. Aes made him see reason, and they joined forces, simply promising that he would see reward if he fought against the Iron Legion, instead of against them. Burblespue brought the party to his office where he showed two letters; one from a friend of his named Festus who built something known as the "Ironworks" for the Iron Master, and regrets doing so, asking Burblespue to join him against the Iron Legion. The other letter was from Chalice which mentioned how she now knows about the sabotage of Burblespue's operation by the party, and that if it was not restarted then there will be consequences.   It also mentioned how Zephyr had been missing for a few days, but the reason was not disclosed. Burblespue asked if the players knew, since this was around the time when they fought Zephyr at the Astrolabe in Caernstock, and thought they may have something to do him going AWOL. The party seemed to not recall an event that may have caused this.   Burblespue then sent the party on their way, telling them to find and speak to Festus about them joining against the Iron Legion and said that their friend Karl was taken to Iron Peak, then transferred elsewhere.

Rewards Granted

  • 250 Gold
  • 2000 Copper
  • Character(s) interacted with

  • Fridge
  • Bin
  • Burblepsure Halescourge
  • Campaign
    The Elder Nexus Campaign


    Report Date
    24 Sep 2023

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