Session VIII : It's Not Finished Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session VIII : It's Not Finished Report

General Summary

The party pushed deeper into the temple of the reptile god. One of the cultists, well out of her league gave up when Grim burst through a door sending splinters flying everywhere. They all watched as she ran out and up the stairs.   They made their way down through the south tunnels and when confronted with a T in the tunnel it was Safdee and Belus who went west to checkout the water and Lovelle, Grim, and Alduin who ventured into another area. Alduin attempted to look through beyond the door using his tools and surmised that there were four large things in the room. When they burst through the door ready to do battle they determined that there was only four large pillars holding the roof up. As Lovelle and Grim entered the second area Safdee watched as an alligator surfaced just feet from where she was, quickly two others slipped into the water, hungry for whatever the cultists had brought down to them.   Just when the rest of the party began to wonder where Safdee and Belus had gone a roar rocked through the room as a pet yeti, filthy and malnourished crawled out of its den. Lovelle quickly fired magic missile aggravating the creature after Grim's javalin flew wide over the creature. The creature charged forward smashing into Lovelle slashing her with both claws, nearly killing her and then it turned its icy gaze on Grim who resisted. Lovelle pushed away from the creature as Alduin attempted, unsuccessfully to wound the creature. Grim, however, channeled flames and scorched the creature nearly dealing a death blow. Ultimately, Alduin's arrow found its mark.   In the other room the alligators lay into Safdee and Belus. Elderich blasts tore through reptilian flesh, but the beast advanced on them both gripping them between jaws and shaking them too and fro. Belus fought his way from the beast mouth and Safdee leaned in and launched an Eldrich blast down the ancient beast's throat killing it. As the rest of the party arrive moments later the remaining two beasts were dispatched and the party looked for a place to spend the night.   Ultimately, they decided on the lair of the yeti closing a door and heaping its dead body up against the door to protect from wondering monsters. Alduin made a passionate plea for a short hour long rest as opposed to a four hour rest, feeling that it would eliminate their surprise and that whatever cruel gods had orchestrated the dungeon would be able to do terrible things while they slept. The party agreed to a short rest, tending wounds, and catching their breath.   During the rest, Alduin revealed a little about himself telling the party about how his magic practicing parents despised him for not having any kind of magical bent. They ostracized him for not pursuing the art or having any ability in magic. Belus scratched his scales and wondered if such a man as Alduin's father, would be the one who killed his own father. This revelation and vulnerability from Alduin endeared him to the party, even to the hard to charm Grim. Chess was, of course played by Belus and Lovelle, with Lovelle winning.   After everyone had rested and prepared what little they could to travel further, the party adventured deeper into the temple wading through the water past dead bodies of alligators. They found a small boat in a closed alcove which contained a secret door way. They prepared and opened the doorway and found three very startled humanoids, Benn an archer, Jarvis a warrior, and Blayze a knife throwing rogue. The party had the jump on them and Belus and Grim leapt into the physical fray slashing and stabbing their way at Jarvis. Combat drew on, arrows and knives were thrown. Bolts of flaming matter cruised through the air and Elderich blasts tore chunks into the three.   Alduin in a moment of cool captures a lightning arrow that is launched by Benn directly at the party. In one quick moment he captures the arrow in air turns it around notching the arrow to his own bow and returning it to Benn who is killed by the blow. The remaining two are quickly killed and the party is left, surrounded by three dead bodies.

Created Content

Alduin's father - a vengeful magic user who drove his own son away for not engaging with it.

The Embers of Empires


Level 333
27 / 31 HP
Report Date
13 Jun 2020

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