Kaer of the Lost Session 1 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Kaer of the Lost Session 1 Report

General Summary

After having completed training Pip remembered that she heard rumors of a lost kaer nearby. Gathering Alshta and making a new acquaintance in the beastmaster-raised-by-wolves, Accalia, they headed out into the wilderness (after feeding Accalia) to look for this possible lost kaer.   The trek up the Throal Mountains was uneventful and Accalia proved to be an excellent guide, turning Pip's vague information into actual useful navigation through the wilds. Eventually they came to a cave in the location where the kaer was supposed to be. Accalia immediately noticed that there were signs that an animal, probably a bear, using the cave for a lair so the party cautiously entered the cave, sending Alshta in under the use of both a Cloak and a Shadow Meld spell.   Checking out the cave, Alshta could tell that it was definitely used recently but there was no bear to be seen. Everyone else entered, a big fire was built (both for light and to scare the bear away) and they began searching the vine-covered walls, while Alshta made sure that the bear was nowhere to be found. Eventually a series of runes and sigils were discovered, Sperethiel by the looks of them. Alshta did her best to read them, but of course, reading elvish is a lost art in the age where the dwarves dominate. All she could make out was one word, "moon."   Looking in the astral, Alstha could see more runes and the outline of a door, protected by an active kaer ward. They figured that moonlight probably had something to do with opening the door, so they waited. Eventually the moon rose and where the light entered the cave, near the entrance, the runes on the walls glowed with a silvery light. They figured that exposing the door to moonlight must be part of the key to opening it, but how to do so? They filled one of the recessed areas in the cave floor with water, which reflected the moonlight directly onto the door. The door blazed up, but did not open. Alshta and Pip used charcoal to outline the door and the kaer ward. While they were puzzling over how to open the door, Pip knocked on it three times on a whim and....lo and behold...the combination of bathing the door in moonlight and the knocking caused it to open.   Inside was a terrible scene, bloody fingernails stuck to the inside of the stone door, as if people were trying to claw their way OUT. A dozen or so bodies in various states of decomposition, probably unnaturally preserved by the magics within the kaer, lined the staircase, many of which piled up near the doors desperately trying to escape. A set of stairs led down to a beautiful, colorful mural of the mountains and another door on the far side..a door that was barricaded from this side by furniture and junk...to keep SOMETHING deeper within the kear from getting out.   Of course, things were too easy and one of the bodies stood up, a cadaver man, it rasped the word "out" at the group and it wasn't long before combat ensued. In the first attack, the cadaver man knocked down Accalia. Eventually pip managed to wound it badly enough that the cadaver man flew into a rage, ripping and tearing into Accalia and Alshta in a frenzy of undead claws. But it didn't take long before they made short work of the cadaver man.   And that is where our session ended

Rewards Granted

350 Legend Points each

Missions/Quests Completed

Find the kear (completed)

Forged in the Crucible of Legend


Report Date
15 Jun 2019
Primary Location
Throal Mountains

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