CD Issue 18: Shootout at the Not OK Corral Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

CD Issue 18: Shootout at the Not OK Corral Report

General Summary

The team found themselves in Wedge, bordertown of the Rustbucket. They had recently escaped the barony train Borderline Express, after being sussed out by Thunder, aka Brone Tarus, psion of the Barony of the Southern Prairie. Following their mission, they stumbled into a saloon in Wedge to find their contact, Dragonfly, who turned out to be their old friend Jenny St George.   Jenny was as surprised to see the team as they were her. She revealed she had been sent out by her grandfather, Hiram St George to make contact with the estranged Blast Furnace. She had been contacted by her resistance friends that there was a fallen piece of Covenant technology somewhere north of Wedge, and to hold tight until support arrived.   The Cognitive Dissidents were that support. The team discussed what to do next only to be approached by local law enforcement. Sheriff Proofrock was less to happy to see strangers in town, at until Malware released their bioagents to change his disposition. This time they worked a little too well, and the Sheriff became quite cordial to the team, insisting on buying them a round of drinks.   It turned out the town was edge due to being in between two rival factions, the Barony of the Southern Prairie and the Barony of the Western Valley. The train line that ran through the town was quite coveted, and the town had none of the protections of Terminal City.   It wasn't long before a ruckus rained down on the city, and the Sheriff went out to see what the matter was. Our heroes looked for a quick way to escape out the back door, but before they could figure out a coherent plan they were interrupted by loud explosions.   "People of Wedge, we've come for the Gatecrasher, give her up and nobody will get hurt" yelled Thunder, who had been in hot pursuit of the group since their escape. Running the streets were covenant tanks, destroying buildings in an attemp to drive the heroes from their hiding spot.   "Surrender yourself, or on the count of three this man dies!" the villian yelled. Bronte road atop a flaming alien beast, and held the struggling form of the Sheriff by the neck in one hand.   The team was not fast enough to respond, and the local peacekeeper fell to the ground dead. Paladin roared into action, blasting through the door with great fury. Aliena shoved Typhon and Jenny in a closet, forging a shield form a barstool for them to protect themselves with.   A fierce battle ensued, with the team trying to protect the team from the enemy forces alone. Paladin did a bunch of wrestling and punching with his nemesis. Malware deployed trickery to stall the tanks, while deploying her drones to protect the townsfolks from the fires and explosions. Aliena got kicked around by the demonic steed, and got a few good licks in including opening firey pits to entrap the tanks. Siren threw out a shield, blocking the tanks as best she could. But they were outgunned and things were looking grim.   The tide was turned with a sonic boom and the arrival of Blast Furnace. He rained firey doom down on his enemies, blasting the tanks and causing Bronte to mount his horse and disappear in the chaos. Blast Furnace landed and greeted Paladin, his old friend, and asked him to trust him. He introduced his grand daughter, Addison Babbage, a lieutenant in the Western Valley militia, and asked them to get the refugees to their camp to the north. He promised safe passage for the Dissidents, and they decided to trust their would be enemies.   Siren opened a portal and used her powers to glamour the refugees into going through the portal. Malware assisted via her drones to locate the destination. Aliena freed Typhon and Jenny from their closet, in which it turned out they had been trapped. Jenny was more than a little miffed about it (she was keeping the shield). She pulled Riche aside and asked if it was true he had killed someone. Richie replied it was true, though it was self defense, and he intended to turn himself in when they got back.   On the other side of the portal they found a makeshift fortress surrounding the giant Covenant satellite they had been seeking. Hundreds of barony soliders were dug in, and within the rings of barricades was a large mass of locals fleeing the conflict.   Lt Babbage confronted Typhon, who wore the colors of the enemy who had murdered her parents. Malware responded by trying to comprimise the soldier using her bio weapons. But Addison was the grand daughter of the engineer and had defense of her own. There were words and may have lead to more, but Aliena stepped in and deescalated the situation.   They all had tacos (Not Prairie Spider though, because the Western Barony doesn't roll with Southern cuisine.)   Blast furnace returned from his patrol and offered to answer Richie's questions. His granddaughter tried to get the others to go ride horses, but nobody was into it, and Richie said he was fine with them hearing whatever secrets were to be revealed.

Rewards Granted

Aliena - Gained Logical Angle from the Brain playbook Malware - Unlocked their moment of truth

Created Content

Alfred Proofrock - Sherriff of Wedge on the Borderline

Masks: The Revolutionary Cognitive Dissidents
Report Date
23 Aug 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Borderline Refugee Camp

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