Admaris Arc: Part 2 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Admaris Arc: Part 2 Report

General Summary

Moving on the overgrown forest road toward the remote location of Fort Zarkias, the party felt as though things weren't quite... right. They had a feeling that they were being watched, though their torch light didn't reach high enough to illuminate the tree tops. It was only when Ravyn used her dark sight that the party learned of the surrounding danger. Thorn demons, hundreds of them at least, were hanging in the trees overhead. There was nothing to be done other than to stare in horror at the impending strike, then one fell down, then another, and then the whole forest came alive. The Whispering Roses got themselves into formation, and prepared to fight off the enemies that were raining down right on top of them; with fire and sword they resisted. During the fighting part of the underbrush was set alight by Ravyn's fire, causing the whole area to be caught in an inferno. Once the forest had been set alight and turned into a scene from hell, the Prophet of Admaris emerged. His name is Anthor, and his armor is a suit of heavy plate, etched with the thorny rose of Admaris, and enameled to be a rich black. He wears no helmet, and is thus easily identifiable as an Etayen. Over his shoulders and down his back rests a cloak that is colored to the forest green and black of Admaris.   Solomon, seeing his opponent, sought to draw him forth so that they could negotiate. Ravyn and other members of the party were opposed to the idea, and their reservations were validated when Anthor brought up Solomon by the neck to question him. Their exchange lasted a few minutes, and Solomon failed to convince Anthor to join sides or negotiate further, rather he nearly choked him to death and took the gauntlets of Sinestra right off of his hands. With the gauntlets stolen, he retreated back through the forest inferno and back to Fort Zarkias. The party pursued him while the Whispering Roses protected them from the Thorn Demons. Despite its role as a military fortification, the fort was still a pleasing structure to view. It has tight, nimble minarets. The walls were tall, but the trees had grown up close to the walls and pass about it. There are vines and overgrowth going up the walls and around the fort. When the gates opened, the party was met with the desolate view of the interior. Vines whirled across the ground throughout the courtyard, buildings were broken and in ruin, and the banners that once graced the walls were in tatters.   Inside, the situation was much worse. Once the braziers along the walls were lit the party saw what could only be described as a mound of flesh. It rose about four feet above the ground, and was comprised of the ghastly remains of Eldon Rutland's Green Guards, along with the Lothridite garrison that once maintained the fort. Nothing could be done for them now. Exploring further, the party discovered what seemed to be a shire to Admaris tucked into the deep and remote recesses of the fort, out of the sight of prying eyes. By exploring it they managed to trigger its magic, a glowing inscription etched into the wall that said "You, the fool who has trespassed here, shall have this be your tomb". A sickly green light then began to emanate from the candles and braziers, and outside there was a stir of action. Ralof, who was outside with many of the Whispering Roses, was caught off guard as their formation was suddenly swarmed by thorn demons. He only just managed to escape, but in the process locked out many of the men to their death. Anthor as well emerged from the center of the mound of flesh to slaughter the party, and a full scale battle followed. Many of the mercenaries were slain, and Anthor died in the fighting, leaving the party with the greaves of Admaris and victory. The Whispering Roses resolved then to occupy the fort and make it their new base of operations.   The party, being Elves and dabblers in magic, will no longer we welcome in Lothrid. The events that have taken place in Everos have brought the xenophobia of the suspicious populace to an all time high. High Speaker Reynard will call for the incarceration, or destruction of all non-human, unholy, and magical beings that plague the region. This will be communicated to the party by a small band of Lothrid soldiers who have been sent by the Lord of Steiermark to either arrest or eliminate the band of heretics. The party will either run them off, or kill them entirely, then realize the danger at hand. How they deal with it is up to them, but one very real options is for them to sneak into Steiermark and request the assistance of their friends in the Barler Band. Lord Alvar of Steiermark. The situation in Lothrid quickly spired out of control, and went from prosecution of the worst elements of magic and Elven influence to a full xenophobic pogrom of all things Elven. The party intervened on the behalf of a battered Elven merchant, and saved him from a band of angry Lothrid peasants.   The party was caught up to world events while stopping in a local tavern while traveling north. Astoria won the first major battle in its war against Vestidia at Old Orchard, which Is a village a few miles away from Tharsis. Unfortunately, their success was short lived, and Emperor Emannar was forced to pull the majority of his army back under the command of Duke Corenius of Ibannus to contend with two extraordinary threats at home. The first is a particularly brutal invasion of Grestosi warriors under the command of their King, Othger the Slayer. The second is a rebellion by disillusioned military officers and their men about the corruption and weakness of Astoria's court. They are led by Martin Sextus, who having never been met by the party decided to launch his land on his own. The remainder of the Astorian military will be stationed at the ruins of Old Orchard under the command of Ser Galen Lystranus, a knight of the Order of Lysander's Blood. The prophet of Dion as of 3451 is Hrodvaldr, and is currently with the Grestosi, urging them on in the name of Dion to raid Northern Astoria.

The Final Prophet (Othos, 2016)
Report Date
09 Jun 2020

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