Legends of Khrystalimere - Rise of Neo Infinus Homepage | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Legends of Khrystalimere - Rise of Neo Infinus

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Khrystalimere
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Scheduled Sessions

Sat 8th June 2019 12:00

Killing Goblins

Doppy has been approached with an ultimatum by Jarred, Miriam, and their three companions - will he join Neo Infinus? As he ponders this, Bartok and Harry run into the campsite with a band of seemingly scarred orcs chasing them, as the ground around them continues to shake unnaturally...

In the past hundred or so years, the land of Khrystalimere has seen much political turmoil. Now, a ragtag band of heroes has gathered in the small Northern town of Crowned Hall (Central Empire). As these fledgling warriors explore the surrounding area, they slowly realize that a dark threat to the town and its surroundings has begun to act. And if they oppose it, they may become involved in something bigger than anything they could have imagined before...

This story is told by