Session 8: Returning from Protection Detail and Heading to Island Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 8: Returning from Protection Detail and Heading to Island Report

General Summary

Talked to the Mayor of Millfort, no further tasks for us. Zaj went to Magi Mart for a booze run. Nufreik gave Thronus a good deal on gems after persuasion by Zaj. Tanthril negotiated with the party to exchange 1 major gemstones from Thronus, Kog and Rauk for a limitless bag of holding. Tanthril quoted Kog 3k g for "Infinite Charge Wand of Magic Missile". While Kog kept 2 of his major gems, Thronus and Rauk ended up trading in all gems for gold. Afterwards, we traveled to the land of the council, scaring off bandits on the way with Za using ghost sound and Kog summoning horses, and protecting a caravan. We made 85g/person. Arriving at the council island, we were held up at the gate(Za scared the guard to crying in a corner while Rauk showed his penis), and then allowed in. Zaj told a song of their exploits in Millfort, and then the secretary Lord Cauiro Doriand went to fetch the High Mage to gauge the red gem/orb. High Mage is able to deduce with extremely powerful magic (6th level wizard spelll aka 13th lvl wizard) the gem's details. The red orb gem is a corrupting force that will eventually damn a person to evil and possibly take their life; he is also able to confirm it seems like an item within the set from legend. Rauk gives a hard time to the High Mage but eventually gives it up once the High Mage gives 5k g and Lord Doriand matches for a total of 10k g. Kog gets the gauntlet gauged and everyone learns that the gauntlet is actually a transformed circlet known as the Bloody Laurel. Lord Doriand also gives quest rewards of 1 keep and 100 acres, 1k g, and 4 moderate healing potions.   4 moderate healing potions 1k g apiece deed of keep and 100 acres +2k g for gem to be handed over

Eltharia Pathfinder 1e Campaign


3-Level Wizard

Za`Jahad Kazafazir Mirari Hassadro

3-Level Bard

Raukovorea Lithuitar

1-Level Rogue

Sybelle Wythinghall

1-Level Paladin


Half Elf
3-Level Paladin
Report Date
11 Jun 2023

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