Agicalia - Magic's End (Book Style Campaign) Homepage | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Agicalia - Magic's End (Book Style Campaign)

A Alien RPG (Free League) game In the world of Vaults of Lore: Agicalia
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
‌Vaults of Lore is a Trademarked IP with it's own independent Gaming System (VOL e1). All characters, abilities, Agicalia, settings, species, etc within the totality (multiverses) of Vaults of Lore are not part of any outside Open Gaming License or external company's property. As of 9 January 2023, the creators of the Vaults of Lore Intellectual Property are declaring that we do NOT agree with any changes made to any OGL policies or OGL licenses and that any insinuation they are in any way related to an outside license will be handled as libel, slander, fabrication, or at best a gross misunderstanding on the part of other parties.

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