All Hallows eve Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

All Hallows eve Report

General Summary

The party arive at the townm of Brightleaf two days before the festival and are appoached by two youths that want to recruit them to help them through the maze. they make a plan and then meet at the time of the race. they cominto the maze and make good time they pick 5 bags of candies and after they cut throught he shortcut they continue meeting everynow and then a 'Monster' will come out to them. eventually they realise the maze is changing. they come upon a severed leg and become aware that the scarecrows are moving.   they cut through another wall and Liam is killed. they find him disembowled and very dead. moving one they meet several youths who were unaware of the danger. they link but split when one of their number go missing. soon they meet with a large group who are convinced the scarecrows are alive and scared of fire. the party stil convinced that this is the work of man convicne the group to follow. richard continues to lead them and soo they reach a wall that is close to the edge.  they push through and soon beomce lost as the terrign shift continually around them. Kaiden flies up to see a birds eye view adn the party is attacked by scarecrows. Jamison begins casting firebolts but kaiden pulls him away and they make a run for it. once they are back in a lane Kaiden and Jamison discuss what to do and decide to gop further in. Jamison lights the maze on fire and they begin to travel with no progress being made. eventually a wisp creature begins to lead them along and they soo arrive at the grove where a foul night hag and her pet abomination are. the hag has taken the bag of holdsing and crammed it with unfortunate souls. she taunts the party and then crawls into a disemboweled man as a plane shift spell. the beast attacks and nearly kills the party before they are saved by the wisp who appears as a banshee or ghost. she holds the beast at bay and with a final heroic effort the party bring it down and win the day. the ghost now avenged vanishs in a brilliant light. the party leave the maze and limp back to town where they tell the traumatic story and finall yare safe     173 missing, 61 dead. 8 wounded, 3 survivors


Things I need to do better 1: the maze needs to be more interactive, there was little to do in the maze other than get narrartions.  2: I need to do better about leading the party on. they were often left without direction and purpose. 3: the npcs were suspicios and barely believable 4: the ending was anticliactic 5:i need to hook into pursueing the hag 6:i need to seed a previous tradgedy and foreshadow the ghost 7: the scarecorws were creepy but not a threat

one shots and such
Report Date
31 Oct 2020
Primary Location

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