Chapter 5: ALARM! Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Chapter 5: ALARM! Report

General Summary

The Alarm horns at the stockade are sounded! noises of running soldiers and the clank of metal weapons and armor. shouts, commands and screams fill the night. The wide eyed halfling jumps on the back of the giant weasel and charges out of the room, "Fail well my friends!", he says as he and the weasel gallop out of the room.

The party: Agni, Big, Jack, Wiley and Gar.

They all look at each other with some astonishment and shrug. The Alarm sounds intensify. "did he say FAIL well?" asked Biggy "i cant hear a thing with all this racket." said Agni, "someone should hit the snooze button!!" "Hey my magic long sword is very self-centered." said Jack. "what?!" said Agni, Gar. "it announces itself and purpose every time I do an action...I don't know how to turn that shit off" said Jack [I hate Orc! by The Rel Astran Sword of Enmity;Longsword +2; +3 hated enemy] "unequip it..." said Big Jack stuffs the sword into backpack and reequipped his bow. "ahh that worked." Gar puts his ear to the door..."Who let the dogs out?" in response to all the strange laugh like barking sounds coming down the hall.   Everyone listens intently... Agni: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 20) [SUCCESS by 19] [1d20 = 1] Biggs: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 3] [1d20 = 15] "What language is that?" asked Gar "GNOLLs!" Biggs, Agni, Wiley say simultaneously.     The 2nd of the 12th Black Tongues, a crack squad of Gnoll guards, quickly marched from the stockade walls to the lower halls through a large trap door. They rushed down the hall to the commanders room, smelling the blood and carnage as they approached. The Gnoll scout, Muh Goreskins, slowed as he came to the corner of the hall heading back south. Goreskins panted and sniffed the air as he approached with sword drawn. he held his hand up and the troop hushed and went to a defense stance with halberds'. Goreskins paced his back against the wall and peered south down the hall.   Agni: [INIT] [MOD:Flying Kick (5lvl)] [1d10 = 7] Jack the Orc Killer: [INIT] [MOD:Longbow +1] [1d10+6 = 12] Wiley Coyotaa: [INIT] [MOD:Broadsword +1] [1d10+4 = 5] Gar: [INIT] [MOD:Bastard Sword +1] [1d10+5 = 14] Biggs: [INIT] [MOD:Magic Missile] [1d10+1 = 9]   Wiley pulls his sword! then he ponders life, and the universe...he questions "why are we here?" -Wiley Coyotaa has delayed their turn until the end of round.     Agni rushes into the hall and straight for Goreskins, Agni leaps into the air with perfect form directing his "Flying kick" toward the now wide eyed Gnoll and misses by about 4 inches to the left and strikes the wall with a smash. Agni: [ATTACK (M)] Flying Kick (5lvl) [THACO(18)] [1d20+5 = 9] Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Gnoll 12] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 5 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]   Agni lands next to the Gnoll in perfect form, Goreskins, who is now grinning a evil grin. Barks out a warning to the squad behind him. The squad forms a defensive formation. [TURN] Gnoll 7 - Zuz [TURN] Gnoll 14 -Woepaw [TURN] Gnoll 4 -Mudcheek [TURN] Gnoll 2 -Bestknob [TURN] Gnoll 11 -Staingaze   Biggs who had stepped into the hall gives Goreskins the finger and three glowing darts of magical force rocket out hitting Goreskin in the chest. Biggs: [CAST] Magic Missile [at Gnoll 12] Biggs: [DAMAGE] Magic Missile [TYPE: force (1d4+1=4)] [1d4+1 = 4] Damage [4] -> [to Gnoll 12] [STATUS: Moderate] Biggs: [DAMAGE] Magic Missile [TYPE: force (1d4+1=3)] [1d4+1 = 3] Damage [3] -> [to Gnoll 12] Biggs: [DAMAGE] Magic Missile [TYPE: force (1d4+1=5)] [1d4+1 = 5] Damage [5] -> [to Gnoll 12] [STATUS: Critical] Goreskins staggers back from the force of the hit, with broken bones and internal bleeding. Gyzzoukx and Shitshrapnel rush forward to help Groreskins. [TURN] Gnoll 8 -Gryzzoukx [TURN] Gnoll 16 -Shitshrapnel Goreskins never seen the arrow that hit him in his open mouth and stuck him to the wall. This was a complete surprise to Shitshrapnel, who tried to pull Goreskins from the wall, only to feel an arrow pierce his shoulder, smashing its way through the bones. Shitshrapnel screamed in pain.   [TURN] Gnoll 9 -Yzat [TURN] Gnoll 9 -Woegrin [TURN] Gnoll 7 -Dah [TURN] Gnoll 7 -Dirtscowl Brothers Dah and Dirtscowl hurled javelins toward Agni and the party from the back of the defensive ranks Gnoll. Dirtscowls javelin went wide right, skipping off the wall and sticking into Goreskins head adding insult to injurey. and Dah's missed because Agni stepped slightly to the left. Woepaw breaks rank attacking Agni with a Halberd, Agni blocks the blow. Mudcheek moves forward. Bestknob hurls a perfect shot hitting Jack behind the knee from the back side, slicing the skin making it hard to move and painful enough too throw your aim off!   The ranks are breaking down with rage and frustration. Staingaze and Gryzzoukx rushes forward. Dah moves in torward Gar. Gar swings his bastard sword with both hand down on Dah! [MISS] Bloodnails moves up from the back of the group of Gnolls. Big draws an arrow back trying to find a target in the blender that was once a hall. Wiley awakes from his thought and strikes Woepaw who was attacking Agni. [HIT] Slashing a huge gash across Woepaws chest. Agni Turns on Woepaw striking him with an Iron Fist! Smashing Woepaws ribs and knocking him to the floor. Dah spins and swings his halberd across Gar, the spin caused him to loose his balance and suddenly faint! Dah falls unconscious to the floor. Woepaw attacks Agni again and misses again. Mudcheek move into a better position, Bestknob hurls another Javelin at Jack...[MISS] Jack looks down the shaft of his arrow at Bestknob who stares back in fear, Jack gives him a wink as he lets the arrow fly immediately followed by the second arrow. Both arrows hit Bestknob in the chest, who lets out a squall. Woegrin rushes up and slashes at Gar! [MISS]; Snotsnoot cast his javelin at Gar! [HIT] Gar looks at Snotsnoot and shouts "That is your ass bitch!"   Gar brings a heavy blow down on Dah who is lying on the floor. Bloodnails moves back trying to regain some defensive form he notices that Oken, Tok, Drek and Ah. These four just made it down from the top floor. [TURN] Gnoll 13 -Oken [TURN] Gnoll 10-Tok [TURN] Gnoll 1 -Drek [TURN] Gnoll 15 Ah   Ah runs forward and throws his Javelin at Gar with a snarl! [MISS] Biggs fires another arrow at Gryzzoukx missing him by a hair! [MISS] Gryzzoukx laughs and sticks his tongue out, as the second arrow pierces Gryzzoukx neck. Gryzzoukx drops everything from his hand and grabs to his throat and makes a gurgling noise with his tongue still hanging out, blood gushes out his mouth. Gryzzouk seems confused as the blood rushes out, for he just stands completely still in the middle of the melee. The surprised look never left his face even after he hit the floor.   Wiley thrush his spear through Woepaw with both hands, who had just climbed to his feet. The spear hits the wall with a spark behind the dead Woepaw! "HyYaaaa!" shouts Agni flying into combat with Bestknob! [MISS]; Dah still Unconscious! [TURN] Gnoll 7 - [Unconscious]. Staingaze spins his halberd over his head with a scream bring the blade down on Agni! Agni runs up the wall and backflips in front of the angry Gnoll! [MISS] Shitshrapnel brings his Halberd down on Gar slashing, Gar hardly notices the blood and cuts of the blades. Jack quickly drops Staingaze with two arrows. Yzat stabs' at Agni, who just steps to the left and turns his back to the Halberd move close Yzat face and sniffs and makes a sour face. Snotsnoot screams slashing downward with his halberd onto Agni's thigh. [CRITICAL HIT] The blow jars Agni's front thigh, tearing a the muscle causing Paralyzation, incapacitating temporally. "Shit!" shouts Agni, placing his hands around his wound. [FAILURE] Agni rubs the torn muscle. Gar Swings his heavy sword down on Shitshrapnel cutting the Gnoll nearly in half! Blood and gore spill on the floor. "I am getting pissed! you fucking dogs!" shouts Gar. Tok swings his halberd on the wounded Agni! [MISS] Agni rolled to the side and stood up. Biggs fires two arrows in quick succession at Drek almost at point blank range. Drek calls out in pain. Oz and Gurr move back. Wiley attacks Snotsnoot with his spear, Snotsnoot jumps straight up, the spear misses. Agni is still Paralyzed from pain. Zuz still Unconscious. Jack drops Yzat with the second arrow, Yzat screams with rage as the life forces leaves with a gurgle of blood in the form of a bubble on his nose. Snotsnoot attacks Agni seeing that his is wounded. [MISS] Gar shakes the stuns away and shouts with glee as he attacks Snotsnoot with a clumsy swing. [Unlucky Friend] in his haste he hits Agni! "What the Hell are you doing!" shouted Agni. "sorry...sorry.." shouts Gar over the dim of battle. Tok see Agni's wounded and attacks immediately. [MISS] [TURN] Drek moves back. Dekk Throws a javelin at Wiley, [MISS] it clatters to the floor. Biggs fires his bow in quick succession again, first arrow flies wide but second hits Dekk hard! Oz and Gurr move, Wiley attacks Snotsnoot and misses. Agni attacks Tok with an Iron Fist only to miss due to pain of injury. Zuz - [Unconscious]; Jack fires off two shots at Tok Critically wounding him. Snotsnoot poorly attacks Agni. [MISS] Gurr rushes at Biggs Halberd in hand and sweeps his feet, Biggs steps over the attack with ease. Wiley thrust his spear through Snotsnoot finishing him off. ['Unconscious'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Zuz] Zuz looks around blinking his eyes. Agni Iron Fist Tok punching his hand through his chest pulling out his heart! Tok falls in a pile on the ground. Zuz eyes clear just in time to see two arrows pass through each eye socket. Drek throws his last javelin at Biggs, Biggs fires off two arrows at Gurr, lightly wounding the Gnoll. Gurr charges forward at Biggs, with halberd in hand. Agni runs jumping into a fly kick at Dekk, his foot making contact with Gurr head, it whipped back from the blow with a CRACK, both neck and skull crushed under the furry of the blow! Battle continued until the whole 2nd of the 12th Black Tongues were dead or retreated away.


They party took a breather, short rest while they prepared for their next room.   As the party opens the doors, they hear a shouted command. This room appears to be a huge kitchen, over 50' long and wide, and 40' tall. About the room are piles of crates and kegs, as well as several tables and cabinets. In the center of the room is a large fire pit, the fire in it licking at the charred head of a giant lizard hanging head down into the fire by a chain from the ceiling. A 7' tall black man in black plate mail armor is poking and turning the roasting lizard with a two handed sword. He turns to face the door, as the party enters, and you see that his helm has no eyeholes. At a table in the east end of the room sit three barbaric looking men, all bristly bearded with coarse red hair. They have mugs of beer in their left hands and smilingly lift hand axes off the tabletop and hurl them at the party. Barbaric Man with Wild Red Hair and Hobgoblins rush forward to keep the party from entering the kitchen.   Biggs steps up...
[TURN] Biggs - [Friendly; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; DMG: 1; [D: 5]] Biggs: [CAST] Stinking Cloud [at Barbaric Man with Wild Red Hair 3] Biggs: [CAST] Stinking Cloud [at Oz] Biggs: [CAST] Stinking Cloud [at Hobgoblin 6] Biggs: [CAST] Stinking Cloud [at Barbaric Man with Wild Red Hair 2] Biggs: [CAST] Stinking Cloud [at Barbaric Man with Wild Red Hair 5] Biggs: [CAST] Stinking Cloud [at Barbaric Man with Wild Red Hair 4] Biggs: [CAST] Stinking Cloud [at Hobgoblin 3]   Musclular Man in Platemail not smiling anymore moves to the back to the room and through a door to the south west.

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