Session 13: The HMS Avenger on Mars Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 13: The HMS Avenger on Mars Report

General Summary


After your encounter with the apparent ghost ship Resolution, the Surprise continues on its course in-system. (See map)   After a few days of uneventful travel (except for an occasional hiccup in the Helm) towards the distress signal, the Surprise drops to tactical speed when it suddenly encounters a debris field. Windy observes that the debris is made of highly refined metal, similar in appearance to the Resolution. However, it is impossible to tell if it the same ship, or merely from a similar technical origin.   Ahead, a huge, shimmering wave of sheet lightning manifests, waving and cascading with countless colors. Zayer, on the helm, carefully steers the ship in a parallel path, so the party can get a good look. They can make out what appears to be a reflection of their own ship--but then, after another shimmer, the image suddenly clears. Beyond the barrier, they see a ship with smoking stacks, and many weapons of various sizes. (See ship image)   The other ship maintains a parallel course on its side of the barrier, and the two ships attempt (unsuccessfully) to communicate via semaphore. Then, the barrier suddenly flares and flashes again, blinding the crew for a moment  

Meanwhile, on Mars

Since Thomas Edison first started exploring the worlds in 1870 with the help of his marvelous ether propeller, the British Empire has grown to include the red plains and stately canals of Mars, the streaming dinosaur-infested swamps of Venus, and even a remote outpost in the twilight zone of Mercury. In 1889, the sun truly never sets on the British Empire! But deep inside the Empire a core of revolt festers and grows. Martian cults cry out for the Earthlings’ expulsion. Britain teeters at the edge of war with the Martian Oenotrian Empire.   Worst of all, speculations abound regarding a new, rising power, a far-flung and secretive cult of deadly assassins some have dubbed the Brotherhood of Luxor. Headed by an inner circle of secretive masterminds named after the Titans of Greek myth, only the Brotherhood knows what it wishes to achieve with its acts of atrocity.   The British Association for the Advancement of Science (BA) oversees numerous affiliations dedicated to pushing the frontiers of science, including the famous Royal Geographic Society, also known as Section E. Less known is the last chapter founded, Section X, or the Explorer’s Society. This branch devotes itself to exploring the fringe mysteries of science, the secrets of the past, and exposing conspiratorial occult cabals in the name of science. Not just a society of researchers, its diverse members are resolved to stand against the forces of ignorance, superstition, and violence. Faced with such would-be despots, they hold aloft the torch—the light of Knowledge—yet stand ready with the sword.   Your group has been investigating rumors in Syrtis Major (the primary British city on Mars), related to a new phenomenon: Sheet lighting that cascades chaotically above the high Martian plains. Section X has received intelligence that the Brotherhood of Luxor has plans to use the strange phenomenon in some way to attack the fading cities of the Canal Martians, while making it appear the British are responsible, in order to incite war and rebellion. The rumors say that Lady Hyperion herself might be involved.   The local governor has put the HMS Avenger, aerial ship of the British Martian Navy, lead by Capt. Edward Mason, at your disposal. As we begin, the Avenger has approached a patch of sheet lightning, and spotted strange shadows within it. The team from Section X insists on a closer approach, despite Captain Mason's misgivings.    After spotting what appears to be a similarly shaped, but very different ship on the far side, the barrier suddenly flares up--and everything shifts.  

Spelljammers on Mars!

  The Owners of the Surprise suddenly find themselves in the bodies of their counterparts aboard the Avenger, and the team from Section X find themselves in the bodies of the Owners aboard the Surprise.   
Player Spelljammer Space 1889
David Zayer Shah’Vor, canal martian priest
Terry Jessa Cecilia James, ex-government agent
Sean Windellian Mandrake Sumarian, Anarchist
Steve Windy Clockitude Dmitri Volkov, the Russian Bear
Scott F Prax Miraal, High Martian Duelist
Nick Hunter Graham Fiske, Detective
  This was a session of excellent and fun roleplaying all around, so kudos to everyone who was there. I won't try to capture all the back and forth in this summary, but will just say I had a blast.  After working through much consternation and confusion on both sides, the Owners manage to convince Captain Mason that something has gone horribly awry, and to try to recreate the conditions. On the Surprise, Shah'Vor in Zayer's body manages to somehow maintain control of the ship, and the Section X team uses the authority of their borrowed bodes to establish semaphore communication across the border. Once the two ships line up their courses again, for another simultaneous pass on both sides of the barrier, they are relieved when the accident is repeated, and they find themselves back in their own bodies.    Both crews proceed on their own missions, armed with new knowledge of another world. The crew of the Surprise continues their course towards the distress signal, while the Section X team asks Captain Mason to take the Avenger back to Syrtis Major, so they report their findings back to Section X HQ in London, via heliograph.    After a few more days of mostly uneventful travel (other than a few helm hiccups, and dodging more Runestorms), the party arrives to at the source of the distress signal--a strange ship to which very bad things apparently happened.  

Vagabonds of Greatspace

Jessalena Glyphrivet

Jessalena Glyphrivet (Veteran) - Tinker Gnome


Praxis (Seasoned) - Human

Windellian Circinae of the Smaller Guano Island Flock

(Windy for short) Windellian Circinae of the Smaller Guano Island Flock (Heroic) - Arakocra (Avian)
Report Date
07 Nov 2020

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