A Ship on the Horizon Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

A Ship on the Horizon Report

General Summary

Unfinished Business

We pick back up the night before Tsuneo-san's awakening. Captain Orion was still here, and had just asked Braylin to look into the missing memories of Rylet and Ferran; starting with Rylet. She begins the process, and comes back only moments later. Bringing the Captain and the closest crew members aside, into the Captain's quarters, Braylin shows the group a lead box filled with orbs the group recognizes as memory orbs. She goes on to explain that Rylet seems to habitually find this box, break a few orbs, and the remake them only moments later. The crew, shocked by the revalation, pulls Rylet into the room and inquires as to whether he knows about these while subjegating him to mind reading to confirm. The interrogation reveals that Rylet does not have any recollection as to what the orbs are or who they belong to, however, he does have a mindless habbit of going to a spot on the ship. Braylin confirms this recollection of events, and adds that he doesn't seem to know what he was doing before or after crushing an orb. When he does crush and orb, though, his expression changes to be more serious. Orion, not wanting to make a decision for Rylet, gives him the choice of the orbs being locked away or being left on a beach somewhere with the box of orbs. Rylet chooses to stay the person he is currently and not use the orbs to regain his memories for fear of what it will change about him. Orion nods in agreement and dismesses the group.   Before leaving, Orion announces to the group that he believes that he and Daegar can work on items together while they are away, albiet at a slower pace. The crew thanks him and loads a number of items into his priority list. The last thing Orion leaves them all with is another reminder to contact Daegar if they need him, and they vanish to a teleportation spell.  

Two birds, One Yak

The next morning, we catch back up to Tsuneo "Thiccens" Komatsu's awakening. First Mate Aminah goes to multiple people asking them to take Komatsu on as an apprentice before finding Ezekiel to do the job. Squeakers gets to work awakening Nar's companion Bird Brain and the next morning, Big Brain is born. Big Brain's sense of duty, justice, and loyalty now define who he is. He discusses his newfound morals with Nar who is sad to see him go, but understands; however, before Big Brain can fly off, the two of them realize along with the rest of the crew that Big Brain should not leave with secrets that could harm his friends. However, none of the people on the ship have the ability to remove the secrets from Big Brain's memory. Because of this, he resolves to stay on board with them for the time being.   During his time on board, Big Brain follows Dima to the kitchens where he harasses Dima for being evil and smelling of death. Mosrael defends Dima stating that Dima is his child and that all children are evil. Big Brain think on that for a moment, and agrees. After this, he makes his way into the bar, where he finds Niroch, Erickc, and Krehk who Big Brain harasses them as well. Niroch shrugs the bird off, and Erickc intervenes to inform Big Brain that they have all been tragically cursed to appear this way to pure souls such as himself. Big Brain agrees that this makes sense, and apologizes for his rudeness.   While Big Brain is roaming about on the ship, ridding it of the evils that he can, Nar travels to some cold tempertured plains with Eliza, Rohka, and Faust. On the plains, Rohka runs around searching for interesting things and Nar begins the ritual for calling upon a new animal friend. After a day, Nar finds his new best friend: a yak named Mooris.  

A Ship on the Horizon

The next day, a gigantic ship is spotted on the current course. It is currently attacking another ship with multiple smaller ships speeding around both. The group pull all hands on deck and makes ready to engage with their new enemy. As they draw nearer, a few of the smaller ships break away from the engagement and make their way to the Leviathan. The crew begins attacking those ships as they draw near sinking one before it even gets close enough to do anything. Two of the ships launch chains at the leviathan, but the crew is ready to detach them immediately with Mosrael's metal warping spell. Rohka jumps across to the large ship, and runs around looking for where the leaders might be.   Acting Captain Aminah decides that this is the time to reveal her strategy and submerges the Leviathan under the sea using her magic. They creep forward under the water as the other crews weaken each other and emerge just behind the large ship. Rachid launches his barrage of readied seige and the raiding parties enter the fray. Aminah manuevers the ship below and above the water avoiding taking shots from different siege attacks, while Mosrael and Niroch summon various things to attack their enemy's gang planks.   The raiding teams each battle it out, and the back and forth comes to a close soon after when the enemy ship surrenders. The negotiations of surrender are short as the captain of the larger ship offers to tell them how to operate it if the crew of the Leviathan lets him and his crew escape with their lives. Acting Captain Aminah agrees to this, and packs both of the crews onto the smaller ship, repairs it to sailing condition, and sends them on their way.  

Big Ship, Go Slow, What Do?

After sending their enemies on their way, the crew begin figuring out the logistics of sailing this monster of a ship while towing their last one. After what seems like hours of deliberation, they all give up and decide to just call Daegar back to have Orion make the final decision. Daegar responds saying that it would be a few hours before Orion could respond but he would pass the message along.   When Orion finally gets the message, he makes the usual arrangements for teleporting back to the ship and listens to their issues. He decides that the best course of action would be to use the smaller ships and tug boats run by magical crews to tow the huge ship back to Cutlass Anchorage for storage, but then still sail to Tabal in their current ship. Once they get to Cutlass Anchorage, they are to send him to try and parlay with the bandits that sit at the mouth of the easy entrance.   Before leaving, he also discusses the issue of Big Brain's sense of justice, and convinces the bird that the entire crew was cursed to appear evil. Big Brain seems to buy the story and agrees to stay on board to help out for a long while.   Finally, Orion leaves and the crew begins their journey back to where they began.

The Leviathan
Report Date
22 Feb 2022

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