S21: The Doctor's Journal Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

S21: The Doctor's Journal

General Summary

When we finished our last session, Timber, Amgil Sll'ab, Ashiok Dimir, and Todd Xarvarax, were all bound to St Andrew's Crosses on the lowest floor of The Dive, The Doctor taunting the party. The Doctor prepares to feed his pets: the Overminds, Chucky and Tiffany. The Doctor hears footsteps, "I figured that would draw you out of the woodwork."
  Enter: Kundschafter Tobias Dimir II, Double Bladed Scimitar at the ready, and his steel mask covering his face. Tobias was ready for a fight. "You all go deal with this asshole, I'll take care of the floating heads."
  "Suit yourself," The Doctor scoffs. The Doctor casts Telekinesis and lifts the crosses onto the platform he's standing on. The platform acting as an elevator to descend even further, to The Loom: 2 massive copper tanks with suspended steel arms holding a Valenar Crystal over a stone bed with dragonskin leather bindings. A library fills the portion of the cathedral previously occupied by pews.   The Doctor undoes Team Hot Mom's bindings, "Truthfully, I hate an unfair fight. I've got a few things to take care of first, take all the time you need and make the necessary preparations. I need to tidy up before I make a new mess."   HISS-CRACKLE-BOOM   Ash fires a shot at The Doctor, leaving a void where the left half of The Doctor's head was. The Doctor stands upright, turns to face Ash, and crumbles away into dust. A new Doctor emerges from the shadows. Ash repeats the process 5 more times, and empties his revolver. The Doctor chimes in, "That's not going to get you anywhere. I'd suggest doing some research before engaging with me."     Timber begins to panic, ripping books off of shelves, desperately seeking ANYTHING he could hope to learn about The Doctor. An entry ripped out of another journal floats to the ground, Timber reads:

  Timber, scared stiff, closes his eyes and tries to feel out the magic in the room. Timber sees the colors of the Weave. Most magic is drowned out by the "noise" coming from The Loom, as the room is engulfed by white magic, with just the faintest bit of black Shadow magic coming from The Doctor.   The rest of the party finds the rest of the Journal entries while Timber is checking the vibe.  
Timber hasn't figured out what The Doctor wants with him, and his mind begins racing. Every possibility screams through Timber's mind, and Timber begins to panic and cry out from fear.   Ash draws his revolver again, "What, exactly, do you want with Timber?"   "I am a Kalashtar, a being from Nocturne, the Plane of Dreams. There are 2 very distinct subspecies of Kalashtar, Dreams and Nightmares. Kalashtar know their life's purpose from the moment they are born. Dreams must find their dreamer, and assist them in achieving their dreams. A nightmare... a nightmare must find and kill their dreamer."   ROLL INITIATIVE!   Ash fires 3 rounds at The Doctor, Amgil throws a Fire Bolt, Timber tries Radiant Flame, Todd tries Rime's Binding Ice. The Doctor is reborn over and over again with each attack. The situation starts to look hopeless, so Team Hot Moms takes a moment to rethink their plan of attack.   A heavy thunk from above as the elevator descends again. Toby is hanging on by a thread. He gives Ash a thumbs up and collapses to the ground. Ash rushes to help his brother, and Toby is made stable.   *vwoomp* The Doctor appears next to Ash and Toby. "Did your father ever tell you how your charms worked? A connection through The Weave relays information covering all 5 of your senses back to him. I've been watching ever since you came home, Ash! I knew you were coming! I just needed to lay out all the pieces! And you brought Timber right into my trap!"   Timber charges in with his dagger drawn, The Doctor grabbing Timber by his throat, "And my favorite part? This isn't a nightmare, this is all real. You can't wake up!"   A crackle of electricity comes from next to The Loom. Chaerynn Xarvarax appears next to her son, Todd, and tosses him a plush doll that looks exactly like The Doctor, "Doctor, I'm afraid I no longer have any need of you. Todd, be a doll and clean up mommy's mess?"
  Todd tries to rip the head off the doll, but loses grip when he pulls, and stray pieces of yarn tear off a few of Todd's scales. Ash fires a round at the doll to finish what Todd couldn't do. The doll explodes with a mess of cotton stuffing and thread and before the cotton could touch the ground, it turns to white smoke and begins drifting toward The Doctor.   The Doctor looks around the room, fear broadcast through his face.

The Brightest Lights in the Shadowfell
Report Date
03 Oct 2022
Primary Location

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