S29: The Return to Thaudara Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

S29: The Return to Thaudara

General Summary

Team Hot Moms is fast asleep aboard the Demetenota, with Cricket, the new navigator, sailing the course for Dragongrave. Todd Xarvarax is focused on wheelboarding in the crow's nest. A knock on the door to Ashiok Dimir's quarters. Ash jumps awake; gun at the ready, he opens the door. Eno stands on the other side. "What the hell are you doing here?" Ash yells at Eno, startling Timber awake.
  "Well, to tell you the truth, you kicked my ass up there on the moon, and I didn't take too kindly to it. I'm here to settle the score."
  Ash pulls back the hammer on his revolver, waiting for the briefest opening. Eno reaches for his sword and takes a step forward. Ash fires his revolver, and in the same moment, Eno uses a flash step and cuts Ash across the chest twice. The rest of the party startles awake from the noise of the gunfire and all jump into action, going through 2 of Eno's echoes before Chaerynn Xarvarax opens a dimension door and interferes with the battle. She steps through the portal and grabs Eno by the collar. After quietly scolding Eno, she turns to Ash. "Eno has some work to do, you boys can play later. See you at home, Ash," Chaerynn taunts Ash and slips back through her portal.   The Demetenota flies towards Castle Dimir with haste, finally breaking through Thaudara's atmosphere. Clouds sparkle like stars against the Gravity Plane around The Demetenota. Cricket brings the ship in to land right next to Castle Dimir. Team Hot Moms hears a melody ring in the back of their minds, ringing a bell for Ash and Todd. Unfortunately Todd and Oz fall victim to the charm and forgets what the melody could mean. Team Hot Moms steps inside Castle Dimir. Tobias Dimir stands in the Foyer, looking a bit confused. Ash and Timber go to ask if everyone is okay. "Of course, your brother and your sister are just fine."   "Which sister?"   "Ariska"   "And what about Aurelia?"   "Aurelia? I don't understand. Is this some joke you and your brother are trying to pull?"   Ash steps away, and draws his gun. Quickly spotting a hole in the floor under a piano. He calls for Todd to follow.   "Todd, I know I told you never to cast that spell, but I need you to chuck a fireball in the hole."   "What hole? I don't see it."   Drathar's voice calls out to Todd. "Hey, Todd. Look a little closer."   A quick blink and Todd sees the hole and blasts a fireball.   Orange light erupts from the fountain in the courtyard and the party gives chase. Ash blasts 3 massive holes in the Hydra and Oz follows up for the kill with a Hail of Thorns.   After a very easy kill, Team Hot Moms steps back inside to continue looking for signs of Aurelia. Ash reaches into his bag and hands the Vergoldtehand des Unholdsjäger back to his father. Tobias sets the hand into its socket on his arm, and begins tracking Aurelia. A little holographic screen begins to project from the fingertips showing each Dimir Charm's location, and it shows Aurelia as inside of Castle Dimir. Tobias fiddles with the projection and spins it to show her charm as being in Ash's room.   Ash bolts upstairs, finding both the charm and a note from Chaerynn.  

With suspicious timing, Ash receives a call on his Sending Stone.   
Hey there Ash. It's your pal Thorne. I hate to do this to you, but the money's good. I think you know why I'm calling.
  Team Hot Moms decides to handle the problem as soon as they recover from their wounds, knowing Thorne would be a formidable foe.   [[[SESSION END]]]

The Brightest Lights in the Shadowfell
Report Date
08 Jan 2023

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