E28: A Call for War / Todd and Drathar Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

E28: A Call for War / Todd and Drathar

General Summary

Notes from Timber, to be embellished later.  

  • The party takes the elevator down and heads toward the ship, Demetenota, to get Elsie. Elseh is ehsleep so we are quietly waiting for her to wehk up. Kugs the Kobold cooks us up a neat Potato, Mutton, Green Bean meal for us.
  • Todd takes one raw potato and begins working on a potion.
  • We introduce Elsie to the Consortium of Magi. Our rations are restocked by them, and Todd is given a gift in his room. Todd runs to his room all the way from this meeting and fights a 12x12x12 crate of joints. He takes one and lights it up.
  • Ula left a blueprint of "the loom" and the Consortium requested Elsie's help making it.
  • The party waits for a call until the machine is done and Todd's been gathered back into the group.
  • Timber asks Abe the Owl for help on how to contact his patron. Learns it is as simple as praying, casting message or using sending stones can reach Damas, my patron.
  • Todd makes 2 potions.
  • Samwell and Elsie are covered in bright blue grease (arcane magic) and it is made with arcane energy/thread.
  • Todd gets put onto the loom and experimented on. Samwell starts using the loom and expresses that Todd may have to relive some things.
  • Drathar tries to convince the party that they should get on the loom. Everyone gets on it, to give a little magic to help make everything work for Drathar/Todd, the spell takes hold.
  • We enter a memory of Drathar/Todd. We are suspended in glass tanks, the roof is open if we push on it, but we can breathe in the goo. Todd/Drathar is standing in front of an alchemy station. Todd is trying to take the form of Xidis, in case it is needed in a fight, all the potion is missing is the scale of an obsidian dragon. **The Potion of Dragon's Majesty. **. Potion's base is water. Chaerynn is working on a potion of her own across the room.
  • Drathar holds his mother's head underwater. Once water the bubbles stop, we enter another memory. It's the main plaza at the adventuring academy. This is a Todd memory. This is pre first day of school, Todd's first day being taught by Ula. Chaerynn requests Todd finds his dad, and she needs to speak with someone so she will be back. She goes to speak with a man who turns out to be Xidis. He offers her a little jewel of obsidian glass, and that whenever she's ready she can place it on to her forehead and be welcomed into his dragon clan.
  • We see the room where Drathar dies, in a tomb 1.5 years ago.
  • **A big ol dragon head pops out of a portal**. We roll inish with what appears to be a younger Xibis.
  • The party succeeds and the obsidian dragon shatters. Todd/Drathar is now able to face these memories in a new light. We awake in Deep Gaol. Samwell reveals that we've been asleep for 3 months, and they couldn't wake us up. In that three months, the shadowfell has creeped over deeper, the evershore has started to fall, "gulgari?" is completely gone (overrun by the shadowfell), the planet is fighting back. The worldeater is showing some activity.
  • Ash's family made it back a month ago. They are safe on the sea, but it is war. Toby has gone quiet, he is looking for someone. He's looking for SMILE and it's "go time". He's also looking for there to be a family meeting. Thorne is building a small army of guys? Toby doesn't like it.
  • Todd calls Thorne. Thorne hangs up. Elsie lands the job with the Magi.
  • We meet Cricket the Gnome on the ship, he attunes to the captain helm, we rest, and head out to war.
  • Campaign
    The Brightest Lights in the Shadowfell
    Report Date
    09 Jan 2023

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