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Adventures in Vanwa Nore

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Vanwa Nore
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Supporting Cast
  • Princess, Herzog of Wohlstand, Heir to the Eagle Throne, Duchess of Cologne Augusta Wurttemberg
    Princess Augusta, 3rd in line to the Wurttemberg Empire and sole daughter of the Emperor. She is widely respected for her patronage of Public hospitals and schools in Wohlstand and Regensberg as well as the Duchy of Cologne. Her hair is hazel with emeral green eyes and despite the public imagery she is plump without being overweight. A scholarly individiual well versed in Imperial governance and politics.
  • Beatrix Vogel
    Beatrix is a baker from Wohlstand. She is 32 and a widower after her husband, Dieter Vogel, died in the siege of Wohlstand as a conscripted footsoldier. Her eldest Child Hans died when a fire giant crushed their bakery underfoot. Her remaining child is Gretel an 18 month old baby. She has Hazel hair, blue eyes and slim build.

Scheduled Sessions

Adventures in Vanwa Nore Session 0

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