Pokemon: Rainbow Homepage | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Pokemon: Rainbow

A Pokerole game In the world of Pokemon
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Supporting Cast
  • Audino
    always annoyed when he has to heal injured pokemon.
  • Blissey
    typical anime dense
  • Enen Luxray
    Confident, Striving and Workaholic
  • Gallade
    proper paladin type personality.
  • Kangaskhan
    Kangaskhan caught by Daff. Typical Mom personality.
  • Lucario
    Hates being made fun of. short temper. jumps to help often
  • Toxicroak
    lazy, uninvolving, and just wants the easy road
  • Vespiquen
    adhd type, tries to focus on everything at once and is not confident.
  • Zigzagoon
    one of the day care pokemon. wants to become a rescue team member, and pretends to be an e rank in the day care

Sessions Archive

13th Sep 2019

Prologue: Daily Day Care

Session 0.1: Our first test session to test the effectiveness of WorldAnvil. Explore the Island's Town and interact with the other players.

This story is told by

The Protagonists



