Session XIII: Fly Away Home Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session XIII: Fly Away Home Report

General Summary

  • Chi befriended Host, the warforged who works for Lucas Rosefield, owner of the Underfaiground. They were both lead to a room in an inn, where Lucas locked them inn. Chi transformed into a spider to escape, losing her rat in the process
  • She found FlambĂ© and Tea with the dragon at the Underfairground, and turned the dragon invisible to escape through the top of the cathedral. Advised her to fly North East towards the mountains by Voxtein.
  • When the party then tried to leave through the cathedral, they discovered the dragon smashing through the top of the spire had disrupted the runes that formed the spell to levitate the central platform, meaning they could no longer leave that way.

Rewards Granted

  • XP
  • Some knowledge for Chi about the Underfairground from Host

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Freeing the dragon - done
  • Now you just need to get out of Igronas

Character(s) interacted with

  • Befriended the dragon further, and you know where she's planning to go (mountains by Voxtein)
  • Chi and Host - awkward hugs mostly


Tea K'Aulan

Report Date
25 Sep 2020
Primary Location

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