Session III: A Cause for Yub Nub Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session III: A Cause for Yub Nub

General Summary

There is unrest at the heart of the galaxy! But far away was the crew of the Crimson Storm, who collected their rewards both legal and ill-gotten before speeding off-planet and out of the Spintir system. Wav and Kokomi made their way into the CORE WORLDS to find someone to buy the Holocron.
  The pair soon found themselves in the LoBue Cantina on the venal planet of Abregado-Rae. They met with Sinto Garlek who offered them work in exchange for information on a likely interested contact. The transceiver they were sent to collect became the least of their worries once they were interrupted by an ISB Agent.
  The Imperials were overpowered after a destructive scuffle aboard The Storm. After all the evidence was disposed of, the crew made their way back to the cantina. Garlek was grateful but informed them that their best bet for selling a Holocron was the crime lord GRAKKUS THE HUTT….

The Storm Saga
Report Date
16 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
The Graveyard
Related Characters
Sinto Garlek 

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