Session 32: The Black Blade calls.... Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 32: The Black Blade calls....

General Summary

The party finds Armin, in the tavern in Barovia. Singing songs and performing sword tricks for the partons that will pay attention. As the party greets him and tells them what they went through to find him, he mentions he has no recollection of their friendship or adventures.    The party tries to figure what has happened and they conclude that his death in the underdark, curses from the cursed plays and the time spent in the dread domains has more than likely fractured his mind. Still they invite Armin along and tell him they are searching for a magical sword that may help liberate the realm from Strahd.   He joins the party in a trip to Vallaki, where they inquire with the head priest at the town church. There, the priest, as if under the influence of anither being, tells them he has been told to guide them to the 'swords'.   The priest leads them to the catacombs underneath the church that connect to the burgomeister's estste. In the catacombs, Armin is being ushered by some unseen figure. A shadowy hand point him around corners and past rooms. When they arrive to a glowing door, they open it to find two swords, a black sword spreading shadows trying to overpower a blade of sunlight laying across the stone.   Armin feels the two blade's pulling for his will and reaching out to his mind. The black blade, reaches into Armin's mind and promises to revive Armin's friend who died before his adventures in the campaign. Armin asks the blade of light if it can offer the same thing, to which it replies with a wave of sorrow. As Armin strikes a pact with the black blade, its shadowy claws reach out and smother the blade of sunlight, leaving as a molten piece of iron the ground.    Lydia uses her staff of power to make a wall of force around the black blade, but as Armin strikes the pact with the blade, it teleports into Armin's hand. It reveals itself as the Blade of Kas and that it has the need to kill Vecna. As Armin attunes to the blade, the artifact repairs his mind to have Armin be the deadly warrior it needs to wield it.

Rewards Granted

Blade of Kas

Missions/Quests Completed

Retrieve Armin

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