Session 29: Easthaven and Back Again, A Leap Through Time Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 29: Easthaven and Back Again, A Leap Through Time Report

General Summary

At the start of the next day, the group reconvenes next to the black obelisk. Lydia harnesses her staff of power and mastery over the arcane to temporarily activate the obelisk. With the difficult task of turning back time only slightly, the party looks to her as she begins the ritual. As she activates the obelisk, Lydia is able to direct the energy contained within the obelisk and directs the flow of time just slightly, with the aid of D'zann. When the party messages Biri after the ritual, they find that they have turned back time to the desired result. Just after when they defeated the Chardalyn Dragon. They also discover the versions of themselves that were with Biri in Easthaven turned to dust and disappeared.   The group quickly defeats the the demi lich, with the quick thinking from Damian Starshadow. They repeat the ritual for the Y'thrynn Mythallar and attune to it. Together the group channels the power of the mythallar within the flying city to break out of the iceberg and begin their journey to Easthaven. Upon arriving near Easthaven half a week later, they have arrived as the battle for small town begun. Biri, now working with the Gren Grayben, fights to her utmost to survive while waiting for reinforcements. With less people on the battlefield, Biri unleashes her full might of her god and calls down lightning upon her enemies.   While this battle rages on, the group in the flying city begins to fly down to aid their companion. As the party reaches Easthaven and finishes off the last of the minions sent by Auril, the weather begins to pick up. In a gust of snow and wind, Auril appears before the town. Hate and animosity can be felt on the cold air biting at their skin. Auril unleashes a horrid scream as she begins her assault. The group fights a fierce battle against Auril. As the fight continues on they notice that Auril seems more unhinged this time around. Auril screams that they stole her treasure, hidden under the iceberg, as she points towards the flying city. When party defeats her Owl Avatar, it melts away and reforms into a jagged icy figure, as tall as an ice giant.   Arvid, Armin and Xin help hold off the giants trying to assist Auril, while Lydia, Char and Biri let loose against Auril with their arcane powers. As the battle comes to a close, Auril's giant figure diminishes into a floating icy heart. This final form is finished off by Arvid, who invokes his blood arts with his magical crossbow. The resulting explosion from destroying the deity's heart imbues Armin with the Blessing of the Frostmaiden. Finally, with Auril defeated, Char and Biri split the Codical of White dropped by Auril in half. Char decides to leave the party and track down remaining followers of Auril, while building temples to Jiang. The group welcomes Biri back into the party, thankful they had a second chance to save their friend.   That night, the group celebrates in Easthaven's Inn. Armin makes a victory speech before heading to bed. In the morning, the group goes to get Armin for breakfast and he is gone. All traces of Armin are gone and magical messages are not being replied to. Fearing the worst, the group gets back on Y'thrynn and flies their magical city south, to Tarynhall.

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