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Killing People With Friends

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Alesia
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Supporting Cast
  • “Archon” Vreni Hozen
    Blind wife of the god king, she rules as queen and steward of his fractured empire until he is resumoned. She is the leader of the clergy and is known for her prophetic visions of the future and past.
  • “Dawn-Flayer” Johnathan Fisher
    Son of a Goliath and a sea giant, he is truly massive. Being roughly 7 foot tall by the time he was 14 he was caught in an unfortunate and brutal fishing accident while hunting sharks with his mother. He killed the shark but was mortally wounded in the brawl, leading to an experimental surgery which gave him the monsterous like appearance he has today.
  • “God king” Ryko Hamburg
    Immensely powerful celestial being known as “the god king”. Has bent multiple powerful beings under his will who are known as the Taken because he has taken most of their free will.
  • “Limper” Johnathan Wolfkar
    Horrendous almost zombie-like looking being which has bore a seething hatred for the god king even before he became a divine being. Lost his lower jaw during his fight against the goslings subjugation. Leader of the Wolfkar Nobel house.
  • “Maelstrom” Meerea Houzen
    Youngest houzen sister, she’s been missing for nearly ten years, and is presumed to have died while defending the city of Borja from a drowned invasion force. She was known to be kind and gentle but could unleash devastating power when provoked. Wildfire favored her over soulcatcher due to her wild and passionate nature.
  • “Obsidian Fury” Obby Frostbelt.
    Famous tinkerer whose technological marvels have landed him a leading position of the technologically advanced city state of Milan. “Wildfire” killed his daughter accidentally during the dragon fall massacre and archon protected him and thus he has become the leader of the resistance forces against the Noxillian Empire.
  • “Quiver” Lexstrazha Feather
    Advisor to king Reik, and able to trim the wings off a fly at 30 yards. Stern and efficient, she rarely allows herself any free time. She was originally a ranger set to be executed for rejecting the advances of a nobleman (by trying to stab him) but was granted the title of huntsmaster by Reik, and thus making her a form of nobility and making her immune to execution for assaulting one above her. Soon after the god king noticed her expertise and decided to make her a taken as well, though this is rumored to have been a punishment on Reik.
  • “Reik” Arcturus Berger
    Strong militant ruler of the kingdom of fleur. He is tactically minded and one of the most skilled swordsmen alive, but was recently killed by Dawnflayer while trying to repel his horde out of his lands.
  • “Shifter”
    Terrifying shape shifting being which has haunted the black marsh for centuries. Brought to heel by the god king and used as an infiltrator. Once released his hatred for Dawn-Flayer was revealed and he has not been seen since the dragon fall massacre.
  • “Silent” Jack Rackam
    Dangerous anti-mage with a fighting style which locks casters out of their ability to use magic. Pirate captain of silent marauder, his goals are mysterious but he seems to be hunting down the salt prince known as the “The one who sings in the dark”.
  • “Soul-catcher” Alestria Houzen
    Sister of “Archon” and known to be one of the most powerful among the taken. Her voice changes frequently, and is rumored to have no true voice of her own. She has been observed speaking to herself, spitting accusations such as “You’ll never be strong enough to save her”.
  • “Wildfire” Pyraxism Hamburg
    Youngest son of the god king and the sole living heir when he GK was banished. He assumed he would just inherit the empire but Archon doesn’t believe he is ready for the responsibility. Is a total hothead and overly confident, but in terms of sheer raw power, is only rivaled by the God-King
  • Shaman Maya Setting-Sun
    Young spiritual leader of a small tribe of goliaths on a mystical island off the coast of konstendor. She is one of the five heralds for papa legba and believes the only way to fulfill your destiny is to take life one step at a time and to follow what you feel is right.
  • Tamoa Setting-Sun
    Dangerous religious leader and herald to papa Legba. In his mind the world must submit to his rule so he may prepare it for his god’s arrival in the material plane.

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