Session 5: A tour of the town Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 5: A tour of the town Report

General Summary

After arriving in Vallaki and rejoining with various party members they wait outside The Blue Water Inn. Soon they enter and see a small scuffle in the middle of the taproom. A few large beefy guys were holding each other by the scruff of there jerkins and one slightly smaller guy also in the mix. The party spend a couple of minutes trying to dissuade the fighting before pfi changes her appearance to attempt to intimidate them to stop fighting. It goes unsuccessfully and after pfi gives the middle finger to one of them, he replies "you want me to snap that off then?". Pfi in a show of pride goaded him saying "go on then". In an instant he grabbed the finger and snapped it. Pfi decided to slam a spell into his chest which then incited a more infuriated response. The small scuffle turned to face pfi and the one pfi damaged brandished a great axe and with one swing sent her to the floor unconscious. The rest of the party didn't join and asked for forgiveness from the group. The barmaid and friend stabalize pfi and carry her up to a room. Afterwards the party order drinks and pay for rounds as apology and learn her name is Dannika They go round for a couple of talks before heading to bed.
The next day they return to the bar and give Davian's Message to Dannika. She quickly ushers them upstairs to her husband Urwin's room. Urwin introduces himself to the group and says he has something the group may want but they need to prove themselves. He has a mission for them to go on but he needs to iron out the plans so asks the party to go out and meet various figures around the town. Victor Vallakovich is the burgomaster of the village now who is working on tinkering with his own things. Father Andrej Krezkov is the new priest for the St. Andral's Church . There are 2 hunters in town called szoldar szoldarovich and Yevgeni. Then lastly the two other beefy guys involved in the fight were Nikolai and Karl watcher. Known drunkards and troublemakers after their noble family lost all reputation.
Soon the party head out looking to meet and greet and end up in the town square. The town square has rotting signs and debris strewn about the town and investigated the villagers snear and advise the party to leave well alone. Then once again Pfi's shadow ran away and headed off to a nearby toy shop. There among the creepy decor and stock was a heavyset man called Gadof Blinsky and his pet monkey picollo. He asked the adventurers if they'd heard of the rumour going round about the clockwork heart. He'd be interested in seeing it if they found it.
Soon they ventured to the burgomasters mansion currently under reconstruction. Purple lights can be seen flickering from the top floor. When the burgomaster answers he explains how whilst he is unable to be helped right now there are plenty of villagers out there in need of assistance. He then returns to his studies swiftly and sends the party away. Soon they meander over to the St. Andral to meet the new father. Father Andrej calmly welcomes the party and explains how hes missing a gravedigger and wishes them to help advertise while he works on stuff. A small boy named Yeska pulled Gastoff aside before asking him to "find the bones". Gastoff informs everyone including the pastor who had thought yeska was mute. He is unable to help as he doesnt know what hes talking about. The party return to Dannika for some answers.
At the bar they ask Dannika what the bones the mute church boy was talking about. She hushes them and drags them up to her private room. She explains the bones are of St. Andral the namesake of the church and their disappearance led to the Feast of St. Andral. She says the previous gravedigger may have been involved and the only lead they could follow would be the coffin shop and its owner who has been missing for 7-8 Months or so. The party ventured to the shop and found it boarded up and locked. Forcing their way in and investigating lead to finding they were not the first here. Climbing upstairs they see a dark figure in the back of the storage. It was Karl who was obsessed with claiming his destiny and looking to remove the party from the picture. Fighting ensued and karl was dispatched and locked in a coffin. More investigating lead to the party finding the bones of the coffin shop owner and a puzzle to find the actual bones. With no other leads to follow they head to Vistani Camp . They find hovels guarded by hooded figures. They seem very hesitant to interact and when asked to talk they are pointed to the next house over. Eventually they meet a character named Kasimir. An elf looking to revive his dead sister who has been plaguing his nightmares. He wishes for escorts to the amber temple but not as the party currently are. Instead he offers the parties assistance to an artist called Acat. He offers magical tattoos but hes out of materials and the characters need to go get it for him.

Into the Mists

Gastoff ze Faimerse de Barovia

12 / 12 HP


Reborn (Heart of Darkness)
Warrior 1
14 / 14 HP

Eilistraee (Els)

Report Date
02 Aug 2021

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