Session 8: The village of dreams Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 8: The village of dreams Report

General Summary

After remaining stuck on the village side of the river the party endeavour to solve the mysteries for why this village has so many dark undertones. The villagers are preparing for the festival in the days to come so the party walk around asking questions and helping out. Meanwhile they reminisce about their times spent at Kresk preparing before they came out to berez. They noticed that whilst they felt like they were helping the workload and output where not changing in size or at least non-uniformly changing. They stop and walk around the village again looking for anything mysterious. After walking back to the graveyard Pfi blinks standing in front of where the Grave should be and can see a crumbled, weed covered, completely illegible gravestone before blinking again and seeing nothing. Disturbed they continue to investigate before eventually the sun sets and the villagers go home to rest. The party set up camp outside the village with a view looking back across the river. They see ravens frantically cawing however unable to be heard. They set up watches and rest where eventually morning rises and they see a humanoid corpse with raven feathers.
 The new day starts with the villagers walking off into the wheat fields with yesterdays preparations. The party interested in the church goes up to have a look inside. The door is locked but they look through the window and no matter which one the view is the same relative to the side. Suspicious pfi encourages agrios to put her token through the door. A slimy hand grasps pfi's shoulder and they turn and see the mothers imacculate form standing over them. She advises them to help the villagers with their tasks as a form of reppentance. They oblige and head over to the staging area for the ceremony. They wander into crafted wheat field arenas and notice a feast table with a throne at one end. Agrios tries sit in the chair but is stopped and it is explained it is for the mother's favourite. Again after completing preparations the sun sets and the people head off to rest for the festival tomorow. The party wishing to test the realm they're in walk further and further into the field.
 They deeper they trudge the patchier the "illusion" becomes. The wheat field turns to rotted swamp in patches and they notice that each other are covered in slime and muck. They decide to clean in the river with help of the immovable rod before taking a rest themselves. 
 On the day of the festival they take part in various competitions including moth eating, dart tag and pear stealing. They met an adept competitor by the name of Velekni who tries to stir up friendly competition with the group. Eventually Velekni wins the majority and gets to claim the throne as the mothers favourite. As he sits and feasts the villagers feed him and pray around him and soon a creaking can be heard. A large wicker man creaks into motion and walks over to the throne. The party try their best to slay the beast and free him but where 1 villager falls another lines up to hold Velekni down. Soon the beast reaches him lifts him high and tears him in half thus concluding the festival.

Into the Mists

Gastoff ze Faimerse de Barovia

12 / 12 HP


Reborn (Heart of Darkness)
Warrior 1
14 / 14 HP

Eilistraee (Els)

Report Date
23 Aug 2021

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