Session 14: Feral Instincts Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 14: Feral Instincts

General Summary

Ismark elaborates on his proposition further, explaining that they were close to finding a cure thanks to a herbalist on the edge of town. Included with his disappearance the notes have assumedly been taken along with him. The party will need to investigate his disappearance to preferably bring him back but at the very least bring the research notes.  Heading to the hut the party sees it in disarray. The doors been smashed, the furniture overturned and most of the place ransacked. They couldnt find any notes however under the bed they found a chest burried underground containing a diary. The players managed to decipher that the diary was a scout report of the village below and in the back contained a single solitary black feather. Looking around they notice tracks leading somewhat back to where they came but slightly off the path. Following the tracks it lead to an abandoned well and not far from that was a sewer grate where the bars had been heavily bent out of shape.   Discussing how the likelyhood of more rats being in the sewer the party discuss plans and prepare to enter the sewer complex. They creep their way through the sewer gate being careful not to alert anyone who might stop them. In the sewers the rats coat the floor running about. Looking around they saw a fully fleshed out living area with supply boxes and various room structures. They push further in until they find an office room where inside they meet a certain Harkon Lucas. Exclaiming how grateful he was to be rescued. He lays a reward of a tooth necklace on the table saying its very special to him and then leaving. Els without hesitation puts on the necklace and suddenly her blood begins to boil. An anger consumes her and she needs to sate a desire to fight. The party try to restrain her but it only riles her more. They struggle in the hall and knock one of the sconces. The noise wakes a guard who after leaving there room is pounced on by Els. Shortly after his throat was ripped and when the desire died down she realised what she had done. Soon other guards heard the scuffle and start to rush around. The adventurers decide to abandon the objective and regroup as they all sprint for the exit. Being spotted the swarms try to close on their location but just in time they manage to escape out of the gate.    They make camp and discuss what has happened. There is tension amongst the party but they help to try to remove the necklace. Using remove curse the necklace is removed but the curse it inlaid stayed. They knew that it would wear off upon the dawn after the full moon. However there excursion was unsuccessful and theyd have to go back. They rest, wake and head back but this time go into the well. At the bottom is a cave that enters the sewage system at a different part. They can hear crying and wailing. They pull back the curtain to one of the alcoves and see these half rat human abominations pleading to die.

Into the Mists

Gastoff ze Faimerse de Barovia

12 / 12 HP


Reborn (Heart of Darkness)
Warrior 1
14 / 14 HP

Eilistraee (Els)

Report Date
03 Mar 2022

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