Session I: Letters Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session I: Letters Report

General Summary

You do not know me, but I know you, and I know what you are capable of. I also know that you yearn for something--that you need it, more than anything else in the world. To you, I promise this. Be at the Twisted Teapot at 8PM tonight, though I do not know why I am bothering to tell you this; you will be there regardless.
The letter in your hand when you awoke
  Each party member woke up with a letter in their hands, written on beautiful parchment with a golden seal in the center. These letters were written in their own handwriting, promising them each something they had been searching for. Roan was promised control; Bonnie Mae was promised answers about her hometown; Aidis was promised closure about her father; Soba was promised _________; Emery was promised his daughter, safe and sound; and Tarot was promised purpose. Upon further inspection, the seal was found to be wax mixed with liquid gold and depicting the original crest of the Kingdom of the Rising Sun, which fell around 400 years ago, and is rumored to have been on the continent of Gaereth [DM note: this may change later, I don't like this continent name].  
Time travel is real! Civilization doesn't exist anymore!
Bonnie Mae
  Emery (half-elf bard), immediately suspicious, goes to find someone who can sell them a Potion of Revealing, running into their frenemy Tarot (changeling cleric) on the way to Aidis' (elf wizard) potion shop. Emery and Tarot have known each other for around a year(?) and, given Tarot's penchant for mischief, Emery immediately suspects them as the culprit for this strange letter. However, upon using the Potion of Revealing on the letter, it shows each party member's own signature at the bottom, written in invisible ink.   Simultaneously, other party members were more concerned with where they had awoken; both Bonnie Mae (halfling barbarian) and Roan (water genasi druid) had fallen asleep on the surface of the planet, and now find themselves floating several thousand feet above it. The two decide to wander around the floating island The Prosperity and find Soba (changeling warlock) as they walk towards the edge of the island. Soba immediately takes a liking to Roan, who is put off by Soba's similarity to his own uncontrollable magic. Once they have found a picturesque stream that runs off the side of the world, Soba is overcome by the desire to know what falling feels like, and immediately jumps off the island. They are saved by a coalescing cloud of magic, which brings them back up to their shocked companions.  
You are like wind. Nature... And Soba likes your colors.
Soba, on Roan
  While Soba terrifies Roan and Bonnie Mae, the other three party members are exploring the inn nearby the Twisted Teapot: the Twisted Tablecloth, owned by the same proprieter, a half-elven woman named Elwyn and her wife. They manage to talk to the two tenants of the inn and ask about the letters, and meet Gimble Waywocket, a gnome from the city of Wairwood, who recognizes the seal as that of the Kingdom of the Rising Sun. Tarot gives Gimble Emery's address in case he has any more information and, finally, the entire party comes together.  
I'm a Twisted Teapot, short and stout!
  When all six members of the party are finally nearby, each of the letters in their pockets begins to burn bright and disappear in a flash of magical smoke. While the fire does not burn anyone, it does ensure that the mysterious letters are no longer available. Emery, trying to understand why the six of them are so important, taps into the magic of the world, that of connection and relationships. He sees thin webs connecting to each of the party members, but the ones that connect to the other PCs are much thicker and much brighter, even though most of those connections had only been forged today. Overwhelmed by all of this new information and the strange magic he's suddenly unable to avoid, Roan begins to change....  
This might as well happen.
Bonnie Mae

Character(s) interacted with

Gimble Waywocket: ~500 year old gnome obsessed with the rumors of a lizard city under Wairwood, on vacation to visit Gaerith for rumors of a different lizard city

pelzupochtli pals
Report Date
25 Jun 2023
Primary Location
The Prosperity

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