Session #53 - Big Johann Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session #53 - Big Johann Report

General Summary

An Adventuring Guild sent many members on their way to Sterich, this was the first notable stop along their way. Aster, Delvin, Derjig, Gladys, Illarion, Nuwl, Sir Rob, and their various helpers stopped in some unnamed HAMLET and stopped at an inn, seeking a stay for the night. Illarion started with a good exchange with the barmaid, a full barrel of fine spirits for room and board. A thug harassed her, so Illarion cast Hold Person on him, then Aster and Derjig went and ate his food in front of him. He stormed out, saying something about "Big Johann" going to come rough us up. Illarion was quite, mistakenly, unconcerned. When all the townsfolk got upset and left, the barmaid explained that Big Johann was, in fact, a giant who ruled the town through fear. The party kept watch for his arrival.   He arrived, a frost giant atop a mastodon, followed by a gang of ogres. Illarion opened the fight, firing off balls of lightning, while others fired shots into the creatures or maneuvered for better position. The dwarf trio got close to hit some ogres, then got run over. Aster fell under the charge of the mastodon. The fight hung on and the party turned it around, but things were pretty tense for a while.   The fight ended slowly and a lot of collateral damage hit the town. The barmaid informed the party they should probably leave, as they would no longer be welcome after causing such violence. Several party members gave much gold as recompense as Ouritzo prepared his daughter's body again in hopes to find someone to her Resurrect her again.